7 weeks tomorrow in Baby Stuff

  • Nov. 26, 2013, 6:44 p.m.
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I thought I was lucky because I wasn't feeling nauseated. HA. HA. Fate, you are a sly, cold bitch. I have been feeling sick for the past week now. I almost threw up a few times too. On top of the nausea, I have a cold. It's pretty mild, but with the nausea, it's certainly not very fun. I haven't been able to get much done around the house and I need to go take a test at school today before the testing center closes at 6pm. Ugh.

I also have a ton of work to do before next week. We are going to Jacob's parents' house tomorrow and spending Thanksgiving there, so hopefully Cannon will be distracted by his aunt and grandparents long enough for me to get some work done. I imagine that will be the case, since he adores his aunt and grandparents.

I keep eating hoping it'll help with the nausea, and it's just not.

I have my next appointment a week from tomorrow. I'll only be eight weeks, so I'm not entirely sure what they are going to do at this appointment. It's too early to hear the heartbeat and stuff (although with Cannon, she found the heartbeat at nine weeks... I was a bit shocked by that, but I guess it happens).

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