Too many irons in the fire in In the Kingdom of Suzu
- May 26, 2015, 12:57 a.m.
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And nothing has gotten done! I wanted to get so much done this weekend in anticipation of possibly being on crutches for 6 weeks and didn’t get half of it done!
To be fair, Saturday and Sunday were both wash-out days as I had several away from home commitments that I had to attend to. Today, I just had too many things going to get them all done. Plus, my knee is really hurting and I can only do something, then rest, then try and do something else. I don’t know if I have so much pain because I stopped the supplements for the past week and a half or if it is because the surgery is so close that I can hardly wait. In any event, Wednesday cannot come too fast for me.
Things accomplished:
I did several loads of laundry in addition to switching out winter clothes for summer.
Stripped and remade my bed.
Cleaned the bathroom.
Made mushroom soup for later in the week.
Planted tomato and pepper plants as well as flowers in the front yard.
Have pork in crock-pot for pulled pork sandwiches for later in week—we were going to have them tonight, but ended up eating left-over spaghetti.
Guess I did do more than I thought, just didn’t get it all done—oh well. I want to still vacuum downstairs but my feet are hurting too much, will have to do that tomorrow night.
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