Good times in Hello.

  • May 8, 2015, 1:17 p.m.
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My Foo Fighter ticket arrived day before yesterday! I was starting to panic because it was only three weeks to the concert, so I’ve been on cloud nine ever since. The plan has always been to go alone, maybe meet up with some people off the forum. But honestly, I’m not that fussed. No one there is going to know I’m alone, so I’m just going to go and enjoy myself. We’ll all be wearing our “Foo Fam” tee shirts so we can identify each other. I know there are tentative plans to meet up before or after, but I was getting myself stressed about it, booking hotels and trains and getting home, so I’ve decided if it happens, it happens. If not, that’s cool too.

Then another guy from the forum posted a thread saying “So who here is going to Manchester from West Cumbria?” I said I was and he told me he was traveling there on a specially laid on bus and he gave me the phone number to ring. And I rang and booked that yesterday! So excited! My only problem is, it is due to get back to Next Town at about 3am, not sure if it’s going past Home or not. If not, I’m sure I can find someone who is driving back that way anyway, I’m not bothered about asking folk for a lift, lol!

In other news, Bel has been having some issues with another girl in year 8 at school (Bel is in year 7). This girl, we’ll call her G, hasn’t hit Bel, but she’s been snidey and irritating her and her friends. Then the other day she followed Bel home from school, taunting her and calling her names. The next day was parent’s evening, so I mentioned it then. G had been spoken to and I thought that was it. A few days later, our house was egged. While I was mad, there was no reason for me to believe at this point that G had done it, because another house on our street had been egged the week before. But Bel seemed convinced G had done it, and told the head of year her suspicions.
I got a phone call from the school that afternoon. Apparently, a couple of days after G had been told off, she had gone into the year 7 playground and started screaming at Bel. Thankfully Bel can stick up for herself and had given as good as she got. “There was pushing involved, with witnesses” apparently. The school had had another word with G and she had confirmed she’d been involved in the egging. Head of year said he’d told her that it was criminal damage and I was well within my rights to call the police. Of course I had no intention of doing so, but what happened next astounded me.

Bel came home from school and said there had been no trouble from G, she didn’t even see her that day. An hour or so later, there was a commotion outside our house, so I went to investigate. As I opened the door, a young girl was stood there. “We’re here to apologise for the egging.” “Oh, was it you who did it?”
She shook her head and her friend said “No it was me. I did it. And I don’t want to be in trouble with the school any more, so I’ve come to say sorry.”
I was flabbergasted, to say the least! I explained to her that it was bad because we live in a rented property and the landlady’s house adjoins ours. I might have told a little white lie and said that if it happens again, we might get evacuated. She said “oh, God. I’m so sorry. I didn’t know that.” I also told her that a really appreciated what she’d done and it’s a very mature thing to admit that you’re wrong. She said thank you and went.

I’m so glad I nipped it in the bud, Bel said that G hasn’t given her any trouble since!

Last updated May 08, 2015

Deleted user May 10, 2015

I hope g learnt a valuable lesson!

Bomb Shell May 10, 2015

Gig tickets are often only sent out a few weeks before the event. I suppose it's in case it has to be cancelled or rearranged or something? If you can't get a lift home from Next Town, you'll probably be able to get a taxi. Might cost about £15-£20 but it's better than being stranded in the middle of the night!

Wow that was so mature of G, I wonder why she was picking on Bel in the first place if she immediately stopped and apologised? I'm glad it's been sorted out, Bel is a tough cookie and wouldn't let it bother her hopefully.

Babe In Toyland May 10, 2015

A lot of other people in the forum had had their tickets weeks, which is why I was panicking a bit! It seems it was dependent on the distributor.
I've had a taxi from next town before, it does cost £20. :)

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