Eh, OK... in Friends With the Benedicts

  • May 12, 2015, 3:47 a.m.
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I don’t really have anything else to do at the moment so I guess this is as good as any. LOL. I have hurt my back, or at least my back is in a bad way right now, so I have been not feeling like doing much. This is highly impeding my abilities to help my Mom out as much as possible, to say the least. She recently had her very first chemo session and wasn’t feeling too good after of course. Today is three days out, and I think, even tho at times she won’t admit it, that she is coming out of the bad stuff. She does still get nauseous, and they have her on some great medicine. She takes a pill and it is gone, like that. LOL. Wonderful. She has to go after ever time and get this shot to help build back up her white blood cell count back up, and it gives you bone pain in like 24 hours. So she got that, and got the bone pain but it was gone pretty quickly I think after she took the recommended medicine. It’s Claritin, of all things. Weird! LOL. They said they would have to give us a pharmaceutical lesson to explain how it works for that, but it does! So if you suffer from bone pain, take a Claritin! You can take just the off brand name of it, Loperamide, as well. :) I am not sure I spelled that right but whatevs. I hurt soooo bad. So bad. I just wanna crawl in a hole. lol.

OH - when me and Mommy were coming or going from the vet, don’t remember which, we saw a couple of things on the side of the road that I really liked. Since we had the truck, she stopped and I loaded (with her help, this was before chemo and she only used her good arm lol) it into the truck. It was a recliner that was really light, as well as a huuuuge coffee table that looked like it would be way too heavy but was actually light with two people. Anyway… so I came home the other day, and Laura had rearranged the living room and put that gigantic table in it! OMG it is huge! I will have to take a pic, you won’t believe its size.

The babies are big enough that they have escaped the confines of their little closet in the bedroom and now have the whole run of the room. I will have to take pics soon. So much pain.... lol. Seriously, just a shitton of pain in this body! lol. Umm… I think that’s about it. OH - my car got fixed. Did I write about the radiator? Well anyway, I got one at a store brand new, my bro put it in, and my stepdad also did my AC. So I feel better on that front. I had gotten a bit depressed there for a few days when I couldn’t leave on my own, feeling trapped is really hard on me. I bet that has something to do with Jenni. Hell, almost everything comes back to Jenni. She was my very first girlfriend, like THAT, and yea… she was abusive. Not physically, but you know what they say about that… it would have almost been better. Anyway… My friend on FB posted this pic of me when I was only 16. I was young, carefree, HAPPY. Here:

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Laura saw that pic and was like, “What happened to you after that?” She is referring to the fact that I never looked that radiantly happy again. Jenni snuffed the light out in me. I never fully recovered. It’s hard to look at that pic and know that pre-Jenni, I was a completely different person. Laura worked hard at getting a lot of that light back, but I was hardened after Jenni. She made me a bitch who didn’t take any shit and was always paranoid that even Laura, who loved me unconditionally, was taking advantage of me.

*So yea… I started that entry like two days ago and forgot to actually post it. LOL. I am back tonite, having had a very interesting and somewhat bad day. I finally went to the hospital today. I tried to go earlier from my Mom’s, but the car overheated and I had to call and get my bro to run up to the old Kmart parking lot where I was parked in a very bad area. By the time he got there I had already witnessed a fight between two guys and a girl. Also, 2 car loads of people pulled up, parked, and got out to loiter behind the Shell station where I called my Mom. Thankfully, the store was like almost 200 feet from where I was parked. LOL. Anyway, so my bro got there and discovered that the bottom hose on my new radiator had slipped off and that’s why it overheated. So he filled it up with water enough that I could drive hack to my Mom’s. The car was fixed, and I ended up getting to the hospital at like 7:30. It didn’t take too long, they gave me a shot of morphine to help my back, and that was the least pain I have been in since it started. So yea, I was thankful. :)
I should prolly get some sleep since Raffi has come down with an emergent swollen shut eye. We have no idea how or who or what did it, but it doesn’t look good, so off to the vet I go tomorrow. I shall read and note tho. Promise. :) Byeee <3


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