5/15 in --

  • May 16, 2015, 4:50 a.m.
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I finished my last final. Hooray! Jacob’s parents came down to watch the kids so I could go do that.

Cannon also had his first autism evaluation at our house. The next one will be at the hospital. It went okay, but he got very grumpy in the middle of it because he was getting tired. The lady said that his memory was exceptional for his age. I didn’t realize it before, but now that I think about it, it pretty well is.

He’s been parroting me a lot lately, and randomly saying phrases. Yesterday he looked at me and said “how are you?” I was very surprised! He keeps surprising me all the time. But his communication skills still aren’t getting any better. He has words, he just can’t communicate most of the time. He is pretty good about saying “help please” when he needs my help with something, but as far as asking for food or water, or letting us know when he’s tired, he doesn’t do those things.
He also has difficulties with focusing. If he has his attention on something, it’s very hard for him to pay attention to anything else. For instance, if he is playing with his trains, I will have to say his name like six times for him to acknowledge me. I thought it was a toddler thing, but I read that kids with ADD do it too. Hmm.

At this point, I’m bracing myself for a diagnosis. He’ll be fine either way. We will adapt, and we will do what we can for him. I love that little guy to pieces.

We booked the Vegas trip today. Jacob booked us a flight that leaves at SIX IN THE MORNING. So we have to be there at like 4am. D: I’m not a morning person! I told Jacob that we will have to get gobs of coffee for me to survive!

I am really looking forward to it though. It’s six days away from my kids… I’m not entirely sure that I’ll be able to handle it well, BUT Jacob and I desperately need some time together as a couple. Heck, we don’t even get our bed to ourselves, let alone any time together.

I have three weeks off and Jacob is off of work after next week, so we will at least get two weeks together of the summer as a family. Unfortunately I will probably be getting my wisdom teeth out during these two weeks. ;( I go to the dentist on Tuesday to see what’s up with that.

Jacob graduates with his master’s degree tomorrow. I’m proud of him. He’s come a long way since I met him. He was working at a shoe store and he had a degree in creative writing. He decided to go back to school and get his master’s in curriculum and instruction instead of going for an MFA. It was really rough for him since Cannon was born at the beginning of his student teaching. He survived and now he loves teaching, so I’m very happy for him. :)

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