Yea. in Friends With the Benedicts

  • May 5, 2015, 8:13 p.m.
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Not much to say, but I am excited. We just got our Hoosier E Cig order in the mail, and I am in love with the banana flavor! It tastes sooo good! Best part is we ordered me a lanyard to go with my vape so that I won’t put it down in a room and forget where I left it, for Laura to find later. LOL. That sucker is around my neck and staying there! We got a lot of fruity flavors, mostly for me because unfortunately, Laura is having a chemical aftertaste with them that I just don’t get. I dunno how to fix it for her, but she is vaping a little and gone back to smoking. :( I did get an Irish Cream flavor, can’t wait to try that. All in all, we spent $30 for a lot of supplies that will definitely last me thru the month and then some. Laura will try to vape as much as possible but get her dollar packs of cigars on the side. We are saving money at this point, so it’s OK still. Yay, we did it! Well, that’s about it. And no, we don’t want to quit, just make it easier on ourselves financially and maybe better health wise. I am already not coughing when I don’t smoke. So, what else can I say? Anywhoo… bye!!! LOL So excited!


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