Exciting times! in Hello.

  • May 25, 2015, 10:56 a.m.
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So in less than 48 hours, I’ll be in Manchester waiting for the Foo Fighters to come on! I’m so excited! I was going to travel down on the coach on my own and meet up with some fellow Foo Fans from the forum I’m a part of. Just idly chatting to one of them today, Lindsey, we exchanged mobile phone numbers and arranged to go for a drink beforehand. She asked how I was getting there…next thing I know she was ringing me. Proper scouse accent, I was surprised because she told me she was in Cumbria and I didn’t expect it! Anyway, long story short, she told me there was NO WAY I was travelling down on my own and rushing off for the bus afterwards without coming for drinks with fellow forum members, she said she had a space in her car and I was welcome to it if I wanted! So I’m meeting her in Kendal, we’re getting there at about 2, and we’re going to try and get the rail! Afterwards, we’re all meeting up in a pub because there is a benefit thing for the forum’s pet charity, Given To Live. Then afterwards, I’m going back to Lindsey’s house, where I’m getting the spare room, and I’m travelling back by bus the next day! I can’t believe the generosity of the woman! (Don’t worry, I’ve been friends with her for ages, I know she’s legit!) She was on the phone for about half an hour, giving me her life story and if she said “There’s no way you’re going on your fucking own, babes!” once, she said it a million times! (Imagine it in a scouse accent, lol! fuccchhhhen!)
I think a big bottle of JD might be in order. :)
So now I feel I can relax and not have to fret about the coach journey, which wasn’t going from my home town and it was bothering me!

Only problem is, I now have a non-refundable bus ticket in my possession. I’ve offered it up on a few selling pages, on the offchance that someone wants it. If not, another forum member, who works in Home and is travelling on the coach, is going to take the ticket off me and give it to someone who might be able to use it. I’m not really that bothered about the money, I’ve getting travel there and back for free now anyway!

Rob has been promoted at work. He was working as a kitchen porter (pot washer and putter away) in a hotel restaurant, but due to one chef leaving and his replacement being totally unreliable, getting arrested and then lying about why he couldn’t come into work, the chef asked Rob if he’d be interested in becoming a chef de partie. He’d been doing little bits of food prep anyway, so he was halfway there already. He gets a bit of a pay rise and more hours when he’s finished college, plus they’ve said there might be a space there for him at Christmas when he’s back from uni. He’s dead chuffed that he gets to wear whites!

I got my rook pierced the other week. This is taken from their Facebook page, freshly done, so it’s a bit bloody. It’s really itchy and swollen right now and when I posted to a professional piercing page about it, they said it doesn’t look like implant grade jewellery. I thought that because it was a new establishment, they’d be all up to date with the latest procedures and standards, so I’m not very happy. I’m going to see if there’s anywhere I can go to in Manchester to get it changed on Wednesday, otherwise, I’m going to have to wait until July when I am going for my tattoo and I can get their decent piercer to put something better through it.

Last updated May 25, 2015

Bomb Shell May 25, 2015

You spoke to someone on the phone for half an hour?! These travel arrangements sound much better :o)

Well done Rob!

Babe In Toyland Bomb Shell ⋅ May 25, 2015

Well, no. She talked at me for half an hour. There's going to be no awkward silences with this lass!

Canadian Lass May 25, 2015

Wait you like the foo?? ;p

Crystal Apple May 26, 2015

Eeee! Foo Fighters! Enjoy 😁

Lucretia June 02, 2015

Ooh, well even if you didn't get your piercing fixed I hope the Foos were all manner of epic and that you had a great time :)

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