5/11 in --

  • May 11, 2015, 4:14 p.m.
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I finished my paper yesterday. One more final and an article summary due this Friday, and I’m done for another two weeks. Yay.
I was kind of sad that my last class of feminist theory was last week. I really enjoyed that class and I enjoyed my classmates too.

Jacob has two more weeks of work left and then he’s off. It’s always hard for me to keep up with the housework when he is home though. It seems like after the weekends when he’s home all day I have more work to do come Monday morning… it’s just the way he is, I suppose.

We got into a fight over it this weekend and he said “I clean up after you because I love you and I don’t get angry over it.” Fair enough. I guess I just need to find the strength in me to feel the same way about it.

I was upset Friday night because of how bored I was, and he didn’t want to do anything. I went to CVS by myself to get mother’s day cards for his mom and mine and then I cleaned the house. I feel upset often that he doesn’t seem to want to do things with me. All we do is sit around and watch tv. It gets old. I guess maybe if I was working full time outside of the house, I’d want to just sit at home too. We got into a fight because I was upset. I think if it happens again, he might leave me. He says he is tired of me not fixing my own problems. I don’t know, I think I try, but maybe not.

Our relationship is actually a pretty good one. It always shocks me when we fight how much he pulls the “I’m done” card. It makes me really afraid that someday he will actually leave me because things aren’t going well. He’s almost moved out before, after all. I’m just having a hard time believing it. It’s just weird because we don’t fight often. I mean, it’s also been forever since we’ve had sex, so I’m sure that has something to do with it. Tensions always run high from that.

Yesterday was Mother’s Day. I finished my paper. I’m glad for that. Formatting and doing footnotes in Chicago style is also really tedious. Ugh.

I did a workout for the first time in a couple of months. It wasn’t bad, actually! I attribute it to the constant cardio that housework and running after children provides.

I hope to lose five pounds and three inches off of my waist by September. I think that’s doable.

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