I'll Cave in Book of Lies.....

  • May 1, 2015, 12:36 p.m.
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  • Public

What do people call you?
My name.

What colour is your hair?
blonde this time of year

Do you have any allergies?

Do you have a job?
Indeed I do…

How good is your eyesight?
farsighted a bit…

What colour is your mailbox?

Have you ever had a stalker?
I wish....

What was the last thing you ate?

Is your handwriting neat or sloppy?
It’s acceptable…

What do you spend a lot of money on?
Recently home improvement.... doors paint lighting....

Do you sleep with the door open or closed?
I like it open for air flow

Who was better: NSync or Backstreet Boys?
What is better… catshit or sewage sludge..... tough decision....

Do you read a lot?
Uh .... yes....

Where were you born?

Do you wear a lot of makeup?
I powder my butt each and every morning....

.What time do you get up in the morning?
Workdays.... 4:45 AM. Weekends..... 7:00ish

Do you look like people in your family?
My father yes....

Why did your last relationship fail?
Because I am perfect and they were not....

Do you like sports?
Shamefully so....

Do you like the rain?
Love rain, lightening and thunder.... I like the thrill of the big storm....

Are you loud?
er subject to debate I guess....

Righty or lefty?
I am of a right mind.....

Zodiac sign?
Cancerous to a fault…

Your favourite band?
Classic: Pink Floyd, Pearl Jam, Neil Young, America, Cats Stevens, Alice in Chains, Scorpions, Joe Cocker, Motley Crue, Yes, Santana, etc.....
Modern: The Pretty Reckless,

Favourite Spice Girl?
You must be shitting me....

What was your first thought upon waking this morning?
Yeah it’s Friday....

Do you prefer Pepsi or Coke?
I do not partake of soda…unless there is alcohol in it....

Do you think you’ve been in love?

What would you name your children?
Mr. Stinky Butthole
The Sperm

How many houses have you lived in?
Including childhood? Haven’t a clue

What was the last text message you received?
Call when you get out

Have you ever thrown up in public?
Yes it was a proud moment.... a rite of passage…

Where did you meet the last person you were in a car with?
A bar…

How old do you think you’ll be when you have kids?
No kids....

Were you happy when you woke up today?
I was thank you very much....

What is your favourite TV show?
Network TV: Big Bang Theory
Cable: Ghost Adventures
Premium: Any of the movie channels

Are you religious?
I am spiritual. I do not attend currently. Raised in a variety of faith based belief systems. Studied religion with Jehovah Witness Group. Baptized Lutheran. Have read Hindu religious studies, Islam....

Where was your Facebook profile picture taken?
Non facebook human being. When I briefly was it was a picture of me at Madeira Beach, Florida coming out of the Gulf of Mexico…

What is the first CD you owned?
Not in the memory banks…

What is the best restaurant you have been to?
Fish House Restaurant. (Bonita Springs)

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