15-05.02.90 in Book Two: The Fifteenth Year of the Third Millennium of the Common Era

  • May 3, 2015, 12:38 a.m.
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Sometimes it is nice when an entry can be pointless. I did errands today, did laundry, cleaned dishes, cleaned up around the apartment in general. Didn’t actually play video games until much later than usual. Even set up a kind of schedule for trying to get everything set for Job Hunting and Legal Work and all of that. That is the one PRIMARY thing I’m worried about. My wife is a QUEEN of organization. It is, honestly, one of the top ten reasons why I married her. But her strength in organization hasn’t made my weakness in organization any better… in fact, may have allowed me to let that whole area of my world go. And in order to (1) find and (2) keep a legal job… organization is hugely important. So that is something I’m going to have to try to re-learn or re-build here for the next while. Being and/or staying organized! For example, I had to call in a re-fill for my Fibromyalgia Drugs today. I have 6 refills left before October 10th. So I immediately figured the whole thing. Our lease here ends in November. Hopefully, I’ll have found a job by August. Which means… I would need to get a GP wherever we wind up immediately so I’d have refills when needed. Of course… what that really means is: I really hope I have a job by August. Things are never finished, are they? Desperate to pass the bar to get that nightmare behind me… now desperately want a job so I can have something in front of me. I’m out of Limbo… but I still don’t know where I’m going.

Birthday tomorrow looks potentially promising… maybe. Because I’m still a child in some ways, I’m going to pick up a cake and ice cream tonight because I at least want ice cream on my birthday, lol. REALLY hope we get to see Ultron tomorrow. I’m worried about it, I’ll say that right now… but I still want to see it to discover if it really will suffer from the Curse of the Comic Book Sequel or if, since it is all Universe now, it stands strong. Pluuuuus; Wife wants to cook with me (as I’ve mentioned previously… not having to be The Chef is nice, even if it means I’m still cooking but she’s helping) and she found this interesting recipe for Cajun Shrimp and Sausage Pasta we’ll be trying.

Now, as I’ve finally caught up on all of my bookmarks, I’m going to piece together bits of all the surveys y’all been doing :p

Your SO leaves you for an ex, you do what?
I’d be pretty furious. After everything, for her to leave me… and for one of her exes? I genuinely believe that would likely destroy whatever self-esteem I have left.

Your SO buys you flowers, you do what?
Smile and thank her for bringing some of the outside in. I don’t spend enough time out there and I really should.

Your ex wants to hook back up, you do what?
Give it far too much consideration.

Your parents tell you you’re moving far away from where you live now, you do what?
I act confused but excited, wondering if that means they’ve found me an awesome job or if that means I’ve been chosen to take care of my Godfather’s Kona Property for some reason. Then I get super nervous about telling the wife because she is adamant that we move closer to the family, not farther away.

You lose something someone special gave to you. Do you tell them?
No. Not usually. Once it is given to me in full gift transfer, the property becomes mine to do with as I will. If that property is lost, I might feel bad, but I feel I have no obligation to inform the original gift giver.

You are offered a career in the spotlight, you’ll be as famous as Michael Jackson:
Ooo, I don’t know if I would take the offer. It would be wonderful to be so famous because, whether there is ANY reason for it or not, famous people get listened to by policy makers. But it would be difficult to weigh everything you’re giving up in privacy, family life and all that just to try to steer ass-hat politicians back on course.

Your SO is a week late for their period, there’s a chance she could be pregnant:
We roll with it. I mean, it wouldn’t be ideal… at all! No job, no permanent address and our own marital issues would bullocks it all up; but we’d roll with it. After all, I do kind of want to be a dad someday.

You’re driving down the road and a cat runs out in front of you, do you swerve so you don’t hit it?
Not likely. Swerving could potentially insure that I’d hit the cat or swerving could mean I would get into an accident.

Your best friend is starting to act like he/she likes you more than a friend. What do you do?
I’ve honestly considered this problem recently. Not that I think he is a homosexual; but he turned 28 on Thursday and has never had a girlfriend.

You’re fighting a lot lately with your boyfriend/girlfriend.
How did you know? Well, I guess you could say I am… but it isn’t fighting like you might think. It is mostly just me standing up to her now.

Who were you with Friday night?
Dude… I wrote an entry about it. Way to ignore me Survey-Man. lol

What woke you up this morning?
An awful nightmare about British Ghosts who needed me to solve their murder while I was on vacation. Seriously. No joke.

Where are you?
Red Leather Chair sitting cross-legged or as we would say in our early youth “Indian Style.” I blame elementary education entirely for the fact that I can’t sit like a normal person anymore… I am much more comfortable sitting cross-legged like this.

Is tomorrow going to be a good day?
Who knows… traditionally, my birthdays have not been good days. But have had wonderful moments that outshine the bulk of the day. My 17th birthday with my parents leaving… but that moment with Buffy. My 21st birthday with the shit storm of it all… but finally getting things resolved with (who would become) my wife.

Did you kiss or hug anyone today?
No :( I’ll likely demand a hug when wife comes back home. I’ve been trying to be more “understanding” of her affection avoidance in hopes that by not being so demanding of it, she would show me the frequency that is comfortable for her in regards to affection… but I’m impatient. :p I want hugs, dammit (at the very least) so… I’m going to start stealing them at least once a day!

When’s the last time you cried?
The week before taking the bar for the first time (July 2014). My wife and I still had not had sex since 2011, I had finished law school feeling supported by her financially but unsupported in every other way, the bar exam was freaking me out and I wasn’t sure if I wanted to continue on the path that I was walking, and then this song came on and I cried:

What were you doing at midnight last night?
Facebook game to grab the first “New Day” reward.

What were you doing at 2:00am?
Either starting to drift off to sleep or starting to wake back up. I’m in this bullshit loop where I can only get 3 hours at a time for some reason.

Ever thrown up from a roller coaster or an amusement park?
Never thrown up. Been nauseous and/or uncomfortable but never thrown up.

What are you thinking right now?
I made the mistake of playing that Mountain Goats song, so I’m just thinking about how beautiful the song is in the most tragic and heart breaking way.

Where would you like to live?
Personally, I would love to live in a place with brilliant transportation so I could visit all of my friends easily… a place that also has enough land to enjoy nature but enough city to have lots of cultural opportunities and educational opportunities.

What kind of home would you like when you grow up?
HA! If you saw the floor plan and designs for my dream home- you’d be disgusted with me. People see it and say “That is WAY too expensive… and have you never heard of re-sale?!”

What do you want to be when you grow up?
I’m hoping to be a Prosecutor… but magic wand? I’d want to be a Super Villain :p

Where do you see yourself in five years?
Hopefully, one small child, one giant house, one successful marriage, and a job that makes it all possible

What is the longest you have gone without checking Facebook?
Before I was forced into a smart phone, the answer would be a week and a half

Who was the last person that sent you a message?
Message of any kind would be Wife asking about ingredients for the Shrimp and Sausage Pasta

Are you friends with this person?
Most of the time, lol

How often do you log in to Facebook?
My phone is constantly logged in

What do you like to do when you’re in your car?
Listen to music. Without music, still, I over think the driving thing and feel anxiety

Do you like candy necklaces?
No. For so many reasons.

When was the last time you fell over or ran into something?
Last time I was at my parents’ place. It is funny… my brain hasn’t transitioned THAT location with my ADULT body so I keep running into things and my brain goes “Wait… when did our shoulders get this size?!”

Do you listen to music everyday?
Yes because I usually drive, play a video game, watch Television, or use my computer every day.

Why’d your last relationship fail?
Because she was extremely emotionally confused about what she wanted in life and I was extremely emotionally sensitive because I hadn’t been diagnosed yet

Is it the weekend?

What are you doing tonight?
Probably more cleaning, video games, movies.

What’s your favorite soda?
Dr Pepper

Ever moved?

Favorite sport to watch:
Hockey, Football, Baseball, Soccer, Rugby, even Golf or Tennis sometimes

What do you want right now?
Food, Sex, Money, Love, Entertainment, Employment. Or if I were to make it an acronym.... FEMSEL

Are you listening to music right now?
Surprisingly no. I’d usually be but I’m strangely enjoying the quiet right now

Do you like summer break or Christmas break better?
LoL… oh the things we no longer get as adults, eh? Personally, I always liked Christmas break better. I’m in that (horrible evil) camp that says Summer Break is detrimental to children’s educations. The two reasons I always hear about why All Year School is bad? (1) Sports programs and (2) Family Vacations. Honestly, neither of those are strong enough reasons to refute the brain science that favors Year Round School

What was the last TV show you watched?
DVD of Mystery Science Theater 3000. Or if that doesn’t count as a “show” proper… then Bob’s Burgers

Last reason you threw up:
It has been years I think… I could be wrong… I may be forgetting something… but I think it has been quite a long time ago and… probably one of the extremely rare moments I’ve ever thrown up from alcohol. In the years, I’ve only thrown up because of alcohol twice… three times if you count the night I went clubbing before being admitted into the Hospital with the Mumps.

Best place to eat:
I’d have to say my parents house right now. I’d like to say Gamma and Pappy’s… but after Gamma died in 2003; Pappy sold the place and I don’t know if it would be anywhere near the same place anymore.

What time is it?
6:19 pm Central; 1819 military; 12:19 am London time; 7:19 am Hong Kong time; 9:19 am in Sydney

What should you be doing right now?
Getting dressed to go workout or doing some cleaning or running some errands

What do people call you?
Pretrial. Seriously, when I was training our new girl the other day… I told her that since my life is now usually Work and Home… sometimes I specifically ask my wife to say my name or I won’t hear it for months at a time.

What colour is your hair?
Brunette. I’ve been thinking of dying it a darker color as the greys are starting to come in

Do you have any allergies?
Just to certain Rx drugs

Do you have a job?
Part Time, but yes

How good is your eyesight?
Not good and getting worse.

What colour is your mailbox?
More like a locked shelf in the wall but a brown-ish silvery gold

Have you ever had a stalker?
I suppose you could say yes. The ex that clawed my face certainly fits most of that definition

What was the last thing you ate?
A bananananananananana

Is your handwriting neat or sloppy?
Horribly sloppy… I have my father’s handwriting which he got from his father before him.

What do you spend a lot of money on?
Food, Alcohol, Rent, Utilities

Do you sleep with the door open or closed?
Our apartment doesn’t have a separate bedroom area; just an open walkway into the office portion… so the door is always open

Who was better: NSync or Backstreet Boys?
NSync. Strictly from a musical mathematics concept as well as the success of members since; not to mention that NSync was sent to Europe first, became huge in Germany and then Disney brought them back into the United States

Do you read a lot?
Not as much as I’d like. I think Law School tainted it for me. Though… seriously… give me a vacation (like the family vacations coming up) and I’ll be burning through books!

Where were you born?
Davenport, IA

Do you wear a lot of makeup?
No. I used to. Both for Acting and because guys should be allowed to bring attention to their eyes… stupid, bullshit, gender-normative grumble grumble grumble

What time do you get up in the morning?
If I don’t have to work I get up several times
If I do have to work, I usually wake up about two hours before I need to be in court/at office.

Do you look like people in your family?
I love my family! I’m so lucky to have them and they are awesome.

Do you like sports?
Many sports; but none of them as much as I once did

Do you like the rain?
Hit or miss with me. Sometimes it is perfect and sometimes it is annoying

Are you loud?
Not anymore. I used to be. Then I married my wife. Who does not understand the concept of an inside voice. Period.

Righty or lefty?

Zodiac sign?
Taurus. Yes, I’m a Taurus… trained to be an actor and a licensed attorney… thus I am full of shit.... bull shit.

Your favourite band?

Favourite Spice Girl?
Posh. Over the years I’ve developed mad respect for Scary but I was definitely Posh Camp with strong leanings towards Sporty

What was your first thought upon waking this morning?
Holy balls. Did I solve that before I woke up or not

Do you prefer Pepsi or Coke?
I prefer Pepsi, wife prefers Coke and my mom prefers Coke so… we’re a Coke House

Do you think you’ve been in love?

What would you name your children?
Alexander (that name has many possible nickname possibilities)

How many houses have you lived in?
Houses… so not apartments… it would be 2

What was the last text message you received? “What spices do we have?”

Have you ever thrown up in public?
Define public… because if School counts… yes. I was constantly ill in elementary school

Where did you meet the last person you were in a car with?
In a bar, February of 2005

How old do you think you’ll be when you have kids?

Were you happy when you woke up today?
Not really… scary little ghost bastards

What is your favourite TV show?
Currently Airing-
Venture Brothers, Bob’s Burgers, South Park, Agents of SHIELD, Archer

Are you religious?
Not like I used to be. I really do need to find a church where I feel I belong but… it is hard. I never feel like I quite fit in with other Christians because either (1) they don’t like the fact that my undergraduate degree means I know more of the Bible (text, history, context, etc) than they do OR (2) they see me as a black spot, a darker person that taints their happy sunshine style of faith.

Where was your Facebook profile picture taken?
My FB picture is a screen cap from Destiny… so… I think it was taken on the Moon inside a bizarre portion of the Temple of Crota

What is the first CD you owned?
I think but could be wrong… it was either the Mortal Kombat Motion Picture Soundtrack or DC Talk’s “Jesus Freak”

What is the best restaurant you have been to?
Noah’s…ooo.... or Stella’s Bluesky… uhm, or Momma Lacona’s

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