Nudist. ;) in Friends With the Benedicts

  • April 30, 2015, 4:16 a.m.
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  1. What was the last thing you spent more than $20 on?

Umm… cat food/pet supplies.

  1. Give us a lyric from a song you’ve listened to recently:

Well, this is a lyric from the sooo absolutely stupid song that won’t get outta my head right now by that bitch from American Idol: “You’re still a part of everything I do/You’re on my heart just like a tattoo. ” OMG I wish it would leave my head!! lol

When was the last time you were tempted to do something you’d later regret?

Hmm… this survey is workin the memory banks hard! I guess when I stole my stepdad’s Oxicontin when we were living there. I had a problem and it was way too easy to just do that. :( We got kicked out because of it. It all worked out tho, we’ve been in this trailer for 4 years now and love it. We were living with them to help out in paying their bills, etc.

Have you ever had feelings for someone who was seeing someone else?

LOL my first ever girlfriend Jenni was constantly seeing other people. We had an understanding, although in the end I chose not to understand quite so much. LOL.

Have you ever had feelings for your best friend’s significant other?
Yes unfortunately. My old best friend Manda had a boyfriend named Robert and we snuck around behind her back and had a torrid affair. He ended up getting me pregnant, but since I was only 15, I opted to terminate the pregnancy. That’s another entry altogether lol. Anyway, I told her, and in the end, we all made up, but I never did stop seeing him. lol. I know, I am horrible, but he was the father of my child, we had a connection. I dunno how to explain it.

How many times did you ride in a car today?
Umm… like 6. We did a lot of running around. lol

Who was the last non-relative to call you?
Well I guess that would be Candace like a little over a week ago.

Are you comfortable in your own skin?
In general? Yes. Right now? No. I am in a lot of pain lately. I can see why people who live with chronic pain just want to end it all. I am not suicidal, just saying from this vantage point, I can see far. :(

What are your plans for tomorrow?
Same as every other day. Wake up, see what my Mom needs, it’s a little different right now since I don’t have the car, but she will come get me. Then we do have a doc appt. to go to for her tomorrow. She was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and had one breast cut off and is gonna be going thru 5 months of aggressive chemo.

Are you in a good mood right now?
I’m not in a bad mood, but I wish this headache would go away!

When was the last time you had an ice cream cone?
I had onw od those Drumsticks not too long ago, like less than a month.

Did you eat breakfast this morning?
Umm… well, yes and no. We don’t do traditional breakfast foods around here, so I am sure I woke up and maybe jad like something that would qualify as lunch food. lol

Have you ever been in a cemetery at midnight?
Yes, we used to hang out in a beautiful one when we lived in Iowa City. It was famous and known for the “Black Angel” that is there. Google Iowa City Cemetery and Black angel. It’s so pretty. We have a pic of Laura up on it, kissing it. LOL

Do you live on your own?
Nope, and never have, never will. We met when we were just 18, so we basically grew up together. I like to say Laura helped to raise me, because she did change some bad habits that were instilled into me. Like my work ethic that I had none of. lol

Can you tie a cherry stem in a knot with your tongue?
No, but I have always wanted to. Queeny - I am sooo jealous that you can! LOL.

Have you ever used your cell phone as a light source in the dark?
Yes I have tried, but it wasn’t good enough. I have a very cheap cell. :( lol

Is your birthday in less than 6 months?
Yes, but just barely. Sept. 29th.

How old will you be in 3 years?
36, and thanks for the reminder. Jerks. lol

Do you remember who you were dating in August 2007?
That would be my wife Laura whom I married (commitment ceremony in Iowa, it wasn’t legal there at that time, of course! Just our luck lol)

Why did you cry the last time you did?
The car’s radiator had just busted and I had pulled into a store parking lot and popped the hood to see white billoeing smoke coming out. I didn’t know then what the problem was, and all I could think is how much it would be to fix.

Where are your parents right now?
Well, my Mom is asleep in her bed I am pretty sure, since it is 3:20 am. My biological father is serving a sentence of 35 years in prison for molesting an 11 year old little girl. I hope he dies in there. ;)

Would you rather be able to fly or breathe under water?
Fly. I’ve never been a fan of water on my face. lol

Have you ever had a crush on a sibling’s friend?
I was 9 when he was born so, nope. lol

Do you know where your calcaneus bone is located?
Probably in my body. ;)

Have you donated blood in the last 2 years?
Not in the last two years unfortunately. I need to give, but honestly I dunno if they would want mine anymore! lol The amount of toxins and disease n shit in my blood would jusy

What was the last free t-shirt you received from?
Actually ya know, I wanna say it was from donating blood. I got a 9/11 5 yr memorial tshirt! And I still have it! :)

When did you go to bed last night?
I think around 130-2am something like that.

Is there anything you are looking forward to at the moment?
Yes. lol

Who was the last person to piss you off?
Oh, umm… I guess the vet, but I’m over it now. lol

Are you blonde?
Very recently, yes, kinda. I am brownish-blonde. lol

Are you taller than 6‘0”?
No, but I am taller than my wife, who is only 5‘4”. I am 5‘6”.

Are you fluent in another language?
Oh I would loooove to learn Latin, but alas, it costs money and takes more than half a brain. lol

Are you an artist?
Well, I write sometimes, so yes, technically I would call myself and artist. :)

Are you a musician?
No, I didn’t get that gene. Oddly enough, both of my parents play the drums, my dad plays the guitar.

Are you an athlete?
Noooooooooooooooo. (yep lol)

Do you like winter?
Yes, Oh man, it is the only time I can fully breathe down here.

Who did you spend last New Year’s with?
Who I always spend it with, my beautiful wife. :) <3

Did you do anything special for St.Patrick’s Day?
Like green beer and shit? No. I think it is a pointless holiday.

What is your relationship with the last person to comment you?
I have no idea who that is right now, I would have to look.

Who was the last person to sit on your bed?
Laura, who is currently in it. LOL

Do you have a favorite flower?
Yes, hang on and let me google it because I forget the name. OK - I should just think of Desparate Housewives, it’s Wysteria. The hanging purple flowers that I think only grow down here. They look magical like a Fairy could be flying around them. ha…

What is the best gift someone can give you?
Understanding and patience.

Was your last kiss a mistake?
No, and neither were the other 452165242 ones we’ve had before she went to bed. lol

Would you rather visit Norway or Brazil?
NOT Brazil. That’s all I know. Damn killing spree on crack there. Well, I’m sure not everywhere but it is enough!

Name three objects within your reach?
A thermometer, the cordless phone, and my vape pen. :)

What jewelry are you wearing?
Just my engagement ring now. I was wearing my wedding ring from when we got married in Iowa, but I wanted our new engagement to feel new, ya know? So I put my wedding ring up. I think we will probably get new ones anyway. :) <3

What do you smell right now?
My vape pen. lol

Are you very flexible?
Umm… body wise, no. Otherwise, sure! lol

Would you consider yourself open-minded?
I am a married lesbian so, I think it is kinda required of me. LOL

Who was the last person to tell you you looked nice?
Umm… well that would be a girl known on here as dontyouforgetaboutme. :) Jessca. <3

Have you ever been to a nude beach?
Noooooo! But I feel like a nudist since I walk around in nothing but my panties all the time. I know my neighbors have got to have seen something by now! Haha

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