Struggling in Back entries: 2013 - 2015

  • Oct. 9, 2015, 10:32 p.m.
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It’s been ages since I wrote last, and to be honest I had forgotten about this site. The 52 books in 52 weeks thing I started at the beginning of the year kind of fell by the way side as I had more important things to deal with. Work predominantly.

I have full time employment until the end of November. And then I have to decide whether I want to stay on as a casual, or find something else. The big issue seems to be that, as I work in a specialist hospital, wards are closing and being moved off campus. Therefore, permanent staff are being organized into other wards, and newer staff like myself are being offered casual work.

I have been looking for work but have been getting knock back after knock back.

My brother is thinking about getting remarried in January, and I doubt I will be able to afford to go to England to see it. Which sucks…as I’ve not seen a great deal of my family over the last few years.

Last updated December 21, 2015

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