Dying. My hair that is.... in Friends With the Benedicts

  • April 26, 2015, 7:21 p.m.
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It has to stay on for 45 minutes if I want it to be blonder, so I guess I can write about my shitty yet fun day. LOL. Our car broke today. I was driving it and heard something pop and fall off, very small sound, so I wasn’t going to worry about it, until I smelled that smell. Ya know, the maple syrup smell that means something is getting hot? I looked at my temp gauge and the needle had gone all the way up to the H and I was already seeing some white smoke coming out from under the hood. Now, I have never had an issue where I had to put my hazards on, pull over, and call someone because of car trouble. This was my very first time. I handled it fine tho. Put the hazards on, my blinker on, was right by a convenience store, appropriately, and parked it, got out and opened the hood and stood there shaking like a leaf while smoke was billowing out from the engine area. I called my Mom on the verge of tears, and she sent my bro up there to get me. He looked at it and ascertained that it was a cracked radiator. Said it would prolly be about $80 to get a new one, based on the fact that he got one for that price not too long ago. I was reeeally hoping it was something like that and not a busted head gasket, which can mean death for a car. It would of course be fixed, would have to be, but it would be very expensive, like $500 range and that would not be good. Kya has to have surgery on Wed. for a hematoma she got on her ear from shaking her head and scratching too much, and they approved us to pay when we get paid since they know we are good for it and such frequent customers there. I swear, almost every week me or my Mom have a vet emergency that must be handled. It really sucks the life outta ya. But I bet it is easier than a human kid! LOL! Speaking of human kids, I need to go see my best childhood friend Candace’s baby. OMG yall she is the prettiest baby I have ever seen, seiously! She looks like a babydoll. She does not even look real sometimes! Look!

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I mean, come on! I wanna steal her she is so purty! lol. I love Candace sooo much yall. She is that one friend that it’s like, it doesn’t even matter that we haven’t seen each other in a while, nothing has really changed with us. :) Well, I gotta go wash this dye out. Hope everyone is OK! I have been in ALOT of pain lately with my shingles, etc. Gawd I hurt. Hurt hurt hurt. lol. I hope yall are doin better than me. I am in a good mood a lot tho! I did get my Abilify, so that helped! LOL. Byeeee!


Last updated April 26, 2015

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