Jake update in My this and that

  • April 11, 2015, 3:40 a.m.
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Well, I took Jake to the vet yesterday. We don’t actually own a proper carrier, but we have a collapsible cardboard carrier that we got when we brought him home from the humane society, so I just used that. Over the course of our vet visit, he escaped a couple of times, busted his head through the top, and peed in the box (while it was in the car on the passenger seat… so that was gross. Brand new car and now we have a cat pee stain in it. Grrrrr) Needless to say the box is done, and I need to get him a proper carrier for that one time a year we would use it.

Vet checked Jake out, and said it definitely seemed like he was having some sort of bladder issue. She said she’d get me an estimate. Jake waited patiently for her to return with a $400+ bill for what she wanted to do. X-Rays, urine sample, day care to keep Jake for a day in case the urine sample was difficult to get, special food both wet and dry, etc.

I love Jake, but currently we just don’t have that kind of cash. So I mentioned that the bill was a bit steep for me, and she said “well, out of the things I think it is, the food will help all of them. The tests would put a name to the problem, but pretty much either way, the food would be my prescription.” I decided I don’t care what Jake has, so long as he gets better, so I dropped a modest $130 dollars at the vet, and left with Jake and a case of new food.

He gobbled it up right away, and I’ve noticed he’s been using his litter box regularly. I haven’t found any more pee anywhere yet; so I hopefully this is helping. He’s a great cat; and I hope soon he’s feeling all better.

One more Easter gathering this weekend. I’m bringing chili… weird Easter food, but I hate cooking, especially for other people, so I thought chili would be pretty hard to mess up.

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