Nov. 17, 2013, 7:37 p.m.
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Doris Lessing died today. She was an incredible writer. She was one of us.
I thought I had a link to a story of hers but I find it does not work. Too much larceny in my soul, I guess.
But here is a picture from Reno Bottoms today -

NorthernSeeker ⋅ November 18, 2013
Oh...Reno Bottoms looks wonderful. I didn't get out for any walking this weekend due to my flu. No walking = no photos.
I read The Golden Notebook.
Lyn ⋅ November 18, 2013
Godspeed to Doris.
RoseS ⋅ November 18, 2013
I actually read her in college... contemporary lit. Looking back at the list of books we read, i'm actually surprised they were so forward thinking.
Great photo.
Kimber ⋅ November 18, 2013
Here's a great article about her:
Deleted user Kimber ⋅ November 18, 2013
That was a good article. There's a link worth following in the article, too---it's the story of how Lessing submitted a book to her publisher under a pseudonym, to see if she could be published as a first-time author. The book was rejected.
Kimber ⋅ November 18, 2013
Hmm, the last part of that didn't turn blue, but the link still seems to work for me. If it doesn't for you, let me know.