Poor Jake the Cat in My this and that

  • April 9, 2015, 1:09 a.m.
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So, I’m pretty certain we’ve cleared up Jake’s ear mites… but this morning I had the revelation that he may have a bladder infection or something. I’ve noticed that he’s peed in places other than his litter box a few times in the past short while… I read once that can be a sign that he is associating his litter box with pain, and is now peeing in places where he takes more comfort. Also, he’s been licking himself more often down there than is normal I think.

So I had this light bulb moment this morning moments before running out the door. I put down an extra container of water in a different location, hoping it will inspire him to drink more, and also left out some wet food for him. Mom suggested I salt it so that he is more thirsty and will drink more, so I may try that tonight after consulting with the google-vet to see what they recommend.

I had a cat who died of a UTI, and so this behaviour is quite worrisome to me.

He peed in my laundry basket that was holding my clean whites.... so they are no longer clean. BUT at least I could see that he had peed so I know to rewash them, and also seeing that is what gave me the revelation.

I watched him scratching at the floor for like 10 minutes this morning. I was worried he was going to pee on the floor… but he didn’t. Poor guy. How much would it suck to be in pain every time you had to urinate…

I’ll be watching him closely, if he doesn’t improve or gets worse in the next little while I’ll definitely be taking him to the vet.

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