Headed back to therapy... in Drifting along like a Tumbling Tumbleweed...

  • Jan. 12, 2015, 12:19 p.m.
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So I have a therapy appointment today. First one in a REALLY long time (like 4 years) and I’m terrified.

I know I need to go back. All the shit that happened over Christmas confirmed that for me, but I’m scared of the outcome. Scared that I will need to make some radical changes in my life (including a divorce). Scared that I won’t be willing to make the changes I need to make so I can be happy. Scared of what will happen if I do make the changes. Scared to find out who I really am without anyone else trying to define that for me.

So typical therapy fears I guess.

The good news is that I like the therapist and he’s helped me with a TON of stuff already, so at least I don’t have to go back and tell all the old stories over again.

Genevieve January 12, 2015


Tumbling Tumbleweed Genevieve ⋅ January 12, 2015


Waiting For Sunrise January 12, 2015

Well done on recognising that you need help, and being brave enough to reach out for it. I hope it helps you on your journey.

Tumbling Tumbleweed Waiting For Sunrise ⋅ January 12, 2015

Thank you! I appreciate all the support!

Beautiful*Mistake January 12, 2015

I'm proud of you. Truly.

Tumbling Tumbleweed Beautiful*Mistake ⋅ January 12, 2015

Thank you! It's still scary, but I HAVE to do it.

EvequeFou January 19, 2015

Finding a therapist you click with is at least half the battle. I was fortunate to find, after a couple calls, someone who worked out well for me. Emilie's never managed that -- even though I (and sometimes she) think she'd benefit, she always feels like they're not really listening to her, just slotting her into categories they're comfortable with.

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