clever girl in Words that Rhyme

  • March 25, 2015, 7:52 p.m.
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dark gothic photo: Dark Gothic gothic.jpg
pretty yes, your heads awhirl
nothing beats a clever girl
you can have your wants
like bangs or curls
I’ll place my bet
on deep eyed girl
gothic eyes photo: Queen Of The Night Queen_Of_The_Night.jpg
men they think
it’s about the bed
she’ll be tossing dirt
on your grave instead
gothic eyes photo: EYES 13.jpg
just look into her eyes you’ll see
she’ll match your wits
to the power of three
the only thing clever of you
is she
gothic eyes photo: EYES 0564213.jpg
when it’s all been done
last words been said
she’ll own your house
your life
your bed…

Last updated March 26, 2015

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