Con Recap in The Past

  • April 28, 2015, 12:17 a.m.
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The convention was… interesting. Suffice to say, the business made good money (a little over a grand) but I lost my ass. (hotel itself was 800, plus food and train tickets and such… gah. Even with Maili’s 300 to help, it still hurt.) I’ve also been hurting a lot inwardly because I invited Maili and Pat and Chels and Davine to come up to help me and to have fun.

Maili helped me set up the booth the night before, which was a godsend. I forgot zip ties, so I borrowed some from Nike and Steph… their booth was Soooo cute! It was all pink and stuff. Gave me cavities to even look at it. I don’t have a pic of their booth… but this is mine:

Maili sitting at our booth.

So, set up is all the help that I got at the convention. We set up Thursday, had Hawaiian BBQ delivered to the room (Mmm… Grubhub’s amazing), and just relaxed. I worked on chainmaile, Maili entertained Davine and Chels did her own thing.

Oh, a note on Thursday. Pat called Maili 4 fucking times in two hours. Because he was “depressed” and “stressed” and “bored” without her. I lost it after he called twice during our set up time. I told Maili she needed to help with set up, not be on the phone and she snapped at me. When we got back to the hotel she tore into me when I mentioned the fact that we were gone for less than 4 hours overall (including travel time) and he had already called 5 times at that point. She tore into me good. I about said “Fuck it all” right then… I couldn’t afford to though. She told me she was tired of me talking about the money I was spending on this trip. That’s because I told her that I put almost two thousand dollars aside for this trip, for them to help me and whatnot, and she’s spending all her time with the fucking phone. It wasn’t fair to me. I wanted SOO bad to go out to drink that night, or to ditch totally, but I couldn’t because I had to be up early.

Friday morning, I woke up early, took a shower and woke everyone else up for their turns in the shower. Amazingly enough, no one decided they needed a shower. Apparently Chels took a shower at 2 am because she couldn’t sleep and Maili and Davine took a shower the day before and didn’t need them. I shrugged and offered to take everyone down to the cafe for breakfast. I had found out the day before, during check in, that the hotel puts a hold on 50.00 a day for incidentals and whatnot, and was told that I could just charge meals to the room and it’ll be taken out of the money that’s already on hold, so instead of losing 200 dollars in my bank account (can’t access it), and then not being able to access the money for breakfast, it’s all one bank. Anyways…

No one wanted to go down to breakfast with me. It’s 7:45 am and I have to be at the booth by 9:00 am for the fire marshal’s walk through. We opened at 10:00 am. Around 11:00 or so, Chels and Davine showed up. They walked around for a little bit, and while they were gone, Steph and Nike ordered me lunch. Which was part of the deal. They get back to the table, aren’t there for longer than 10 minutes and start whining about being hungry. I told them if they were actually at the booth when lunch was ordered, I’d get them something. Chels stomped off, Davine left with her, and that’s all I saw of them for a few hours.

Maili showed up once or twice, but once Pat showed up (he got a car right that day, since Groot was too big for the train) she disappeared for the whole day. So, on Friday, during the 8 hours that the convention was open, I had someone from my group with me for -maybe- two hours at the most, and that was in 5 minute increments. I did spend 15 minutes wandering around with Jen, but that’s about all.

Saturday was more of the same… everyone came down for breakfast with me, mainly because I told them that if they weren’t going to come down, then I wasn’t going to bother feeding them. So we all had breakfast, and I found out that all my meals during Sakura Con were at 20% off, which makes me want to come back to that hotel next year too, hehehe. So after breakfast Maili and Pat were going back upstairs to work on Groot, which left Chels, Davine, and myself to go to the convention. Already, because of them all dragging their feet getting ready, I was going to be late… luckily Jen was able to sit on my side of the booth and sell my stuff for me. I had everything tagged for the most part, so it wasn’t too hard. But once we got outside, Chels looked at me and said “I can’t go with you, Maili has all the smokes.” I was beyond disgusted at that point. I took the bag that she had, turned away and walked off with Davine. Apparently she got upstairs and started going off to Maili about my attitude. Uhm. I paid for your ticket up, your ticket in, your food, everything for this trip, and you’re bitching because I’m pissed that you’re not living up to your end of the bargin?!

Davine and I had a good time, we walked to the convention (about 6 or so blocks) and then hung out at the booth. I feel really sorry for him because I couldn’t take him out to do anything and he wasn’t allowed to roam around alone since he’s too young. But we played DS and I worked on selling stuff. Around 1 or so (3 hours after the dealer’s hall opened for the day), Maili and Pat showed up with the Groot suit. I have to admit, it looked fucking amazing (I’d link pictures now but I’m lazy… google Sakura Con 2015 Groot and you’ll see it), and they got a LOT of attention even with him climbing into it in the middle of the dealer’s area behind our booth. They put it on him and promptly disappeared. Chels showed up for a couple minutes, grabbed Davine, took him to the gaming hall, saw that there was a line and then took him back to the hotel, where she promptly fell asleep, leaving him stuck there with nothing to do but watch TV.

Room closed at 6:00. At 5:15 I got a phone call from Maili saying that they were on their way up from the first floor (we were on the 4th) and would be there by closing time to help me clean up a bit. They didn’t make it. Apparently it takes more than 45 minutes for a person in an awesome costume to make it up the elevator, travel through two rooms, and through a sky bridge. Poor Pat made it to the room outside of the dealer’s hall, but the whole time he’d take 3 steps and have to stop and pose for 5 minutes for pictures… then another 3 steps, etc. etc. At 6 they still wanted to stay, so I bought them subway and some huge cups of water (Pat was dying in his costume) and went back to the hotel… where I found that Chels slept all day and since it was after 6:00 when she woke up, decided to invite her booty call over to the hotel room in order to play around while waiting for one of us to show up so she could leave. That kind of really pissed me off.

Dinner ended up being Davine and myself only, since Maili and Pat were staying at the convention till late. So we had a pizza party. We found the pizza parlor with the best rating on Grubhub, ordered a large cheese pizza, some bread sticks, soda and cake and watched cartoons and stuffed ourselves while playing DS. Maili and Pat showed back up at 10 and had all sorts of stories to tell. I was annoyed with them, but not as badly… they had fun.

Sunday we all went out for breakfast, Maili and Pat ran off to do their thing, I hung out at the booth and worked on custom orders… oh shit, the custom orders. -shudders-. On top of all that, I got a text from Steve around noon asking what I was up to. I mentioned that I was at the convention and couldn’t hang till after 4, and he suggested that he get a ticket into the con to hang with me. He spent 70.00 to spend 4 hours hanging out with me. <3

We had a lot of fun talking, even though I was distracted with the custom orders. I think my maile impressed him. -poses- At 4:00 pm, the room closed. Maili and Chels both showed up at 3:30. Chels took Davine and Pat to wander around since Davine couldn’t hang out in the room during breakdown, and Pat needed a spotter, while Maili, me and Steve broke things down. After the convention, Steve and I put Maili in a taxi cab back to the hotel, gave her the majority of the money that we made over the weekend, and wandered off.

We ended up wandering over to the Westlake center, sitting down outside of it and talking for a couple hours, till Ben told us to go to a pub down by the water front to wait for him. We walked and talked and hugged and did a lot of touching, considering we’ve both waited 16 years to be able to poke the other in the arm. We made it to the pub, waited for Ben for a little bit, and kept talking… lol When Ben showed up, we got drunk. Oh god did we get drunk.

Highlights of the night:

  • Just being able to sit between the two of them. I mean, that’s an experience that’s 16 years in the making. I loved listening to the two of them talk and bitch at each other.
  • The Llama. I bought a Llama for Ben’s daughter and we had it on the table. I played with it all night.
  • Every time the guys left the table to go outside to smoke (Steve’s a smoker, Ben went out to keep him company), I drank half of the beer in their glasses. We ordered 21 beers between the three of us. I swear I drank 10 of them myself.
  • The Guiness guy in the bathroom (In the women’s bathroom there was a picture of a cup of Guiness beer with a smile in the foam. It was creepy as all fuck, and when I came out from the bathroom, I announced to Ben and Steve that the glass of beer was watching me pee and it made me feel funny. They laughed, and then Steve ended up accidentally going into the women’s bathroom instead of the men and agreed with me that the glass was too happy about the fact that we were peeing.)
  • The naked bitches on the floor. (There were little drawings of people on the floor, and after beer 4 or so, I noticed and promptly told Ben and Steve that there were little people on the floor… Steve agreed and we all started calling them by their proper name of “Naked Bitches.”)
  • Talking to the Bartender about tattoos. He had some amazing ones. I did keep my shirt on, lol, so I must not have shown him mine.
  • Telling Steve (multiple times, apparently) that he had spiky hair and that he reminded me of my hedgehog.
  • Wanting to, and then getting to, pet Ben’s hair.
  • Announcing that I couldn’t be drunk after 5 beers because I could still text Maili and make sense of my text messages. Apparently that doesn’t count because I have auto-correct.
  • Apologizing to Ben for not being “punk enough” for him. He asked me what the fuck I was talking about, and I mentioned that about 12 years ago, when I finally confessed my feelings for him (out loud), I was told I wasn’t punk enough for him. He snickered and said that sounded like something 20 year old him would say.

So.. suffice to say, I’ve NEVER been that drunk and that open with anyone. Apparently I would say something and then plop my head on the table (gently) and wonder why I said that… even if it’s stuff that they know… like the fact that I was in love with Ben and that he smelled nice (I stole his jacket). I told Steve later, when I was sober, that the reason for that is that I only say 1/10th of what I think… and that I’m so used to not saying what’s on my mind, that I was honestly horrified that I had no filter.

The boys made sure I got back to the hotel alright and Steve walked me to my room, gave me a kiss goodnight, a huge hug (after snuggling with me all during boozing and everything else). I didn’t realize exactly how touch-starved I am till that moment, till he was gone.

Went to bed, realized that the world was spinning too fast, and in the wrong direction, took a cool bath, drank a lot of water, and then finally got to sleep around 4:00am or so. I was up at 9:00 and still drunk. I texted Steve and asked to see him again before he left, so I could just spend some time behind held. He said he would if he could figure out a way for me to spend time in Seattle with them… but he didn’t think it would work. I broke. I broke so hard that I sat in the corner of the room and cried for twenty minutes. I just… I was going back into a situation, a life, where the only touch that I get is from a guinea pig when she’s sitting on my shoulder. It just… it killed me to know I was going to go back to that existence. I don’t think I told Steve exactly how badly that hurt. I’m sure he knows though.

We checked out of the hotel, turned in our room keys and made it back to the train station with no real incidents. The train ride home was good, we all slept and I was almost sober by the time we made it back to Olympia, where we were met by Mom and Torri and Chels’ ride, and I swore I wouldn’t do this again.

Oh! Chels got a rude awakening on Monday. We went out for lunch, just me, her, Maili, and Davine, since Pat had already gone. We had lunch and she had a look at the bill… it was over 100.00 for four of us – that’s because we splurged and Maili had a couple beers and we had desert and whatnot. Breakfast was never more than 50 for 5 of us, but when Chels saw that I paid 100.00 for lunch, she kind of freaked out. She apologized and thanked me a lot after that.

So, that was the convention. I’ll post the pictures that were taken later… it’s bed time now.


Last updated December 24, 2016

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