Laura in Friends With the Benedicts

  • March 18, 2015, 3:43 p.m.
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Oh boy… I am way slap happy, and waaay too happpy to slap. LOL. By the way, have yall seen that preview for the new movie with Sean Penn as the main character? He is so old. It’s really just ridiculous and sad. LOL. I have laughed sooo much over that. OK so this happened last night:

“Spent a few hours in the hospital with Laura earlier. We were arguing and she went to kick the door and I guess must have hit the hinge with the inside of her ankle, and she hurt herself really badly. We had thought at first (as did the nurse stitching her up) that it was down to the bone, but it turns out it was only muscle showing. I actually forgot my cellphone in our rush to leave. We wanted to get a before and after pic of the wound, but oh well. It wasn’t busy there thankfully and they numbed her up really good. It took 8 big ole stitches to close it and omg I think it hurt me more than her! The nurse was laughing at me because I was cringing and asking her if she was OK, and telling them not to hurt her. lol. So, stupid things were said, even stupider things were done, and we had to spend a few hours waiting on people to help Laura keep her skin closed and stop bleeding. lol. But, lessons were learned, and as always, upping was made. We always come out just a little bit smarter. It’s for next time, ya know, when it’s her hand, I guess. LOL! L+S = <3”

  • She is fine, we are fine, especially since this happened today, earlier:

“My right leg has gone away just like the left one did. I am slowly developing more symptoms that are matching exactly to the left side, even down to my chin being numb. I’ve had a headache now for about 3 days; of course I always think it is something else. It has started exactly the way my left leg did; pain in the hip, back and leg, and then this. I am walking exactly like I did before but just with my right leg affected. This means I cannot drive. This means I cannot drive my Mom around when she needs me most. I hate MS and I feel like I am worthless. At least my wife loves me and knows better.”

I started that entry at around 4am. It is now 10:36am and wow how much can happen in just a few hours! I am just way too upset about it. And actually I was just on the phone with my Neurologist and they have informed me that I need to go to the ER. (head laptop slam) Ugggghhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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