down to the dark in Words that Rhyme

  • March 2, 2015, 12:35 p.m.
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  • Public

emotional pain photo: pain pain.jpg

fear has me trembling
life’s no walk in the park
the path I have traveled
went down to the dark

dark path photo: dark forest path 20051221223337_dead20trees20path.jpg

from birth to my dying
it’s my last sad remark
no tale worth the telling
no ears by to hark
alone photo: alone 1_692724753m1.jpg
alone in the onyx
last breath disembark
ends all the suffering
as my pain goes to dark
emotional pain photo: pain 300px-Giotto_-_Scrovegni_-_-47-_-1.jpg

Skikkles911 March 02, 2015

Ah... this is beautiful. I love that last image too.

invisible ink Skikkles911 ⋅ March 02, 2015

It caught my eye too....

Deleted user March 02, 2015

Amazing, as always.

invisible ink Deleted user ⋅ March 02, 2015


Deleted user March 02, 2015

I love this - darkness is equally alluring as light :)

Waiting For Sunrise March 03, 2015

no tale worth the telling, I love this line. All-consuming internal darkness can be invisible from outside; sometimes you wonder if it's worth the words, or even if there is anything there to say. That path looks a lot like some of my favourite places :)

For some reason I like to turn the last image around so she is supporting her weight on her hands and head, and is on the brink of falling backwards..

invisible ink Waiting For Sunrise ⋅ March 03, 2015

Interesting way to look at the pose. Have to wrap my head around that image for a bit.

Many things can be invisible from outside..... some good maybe some not so...
The path. I have one which cuts from a local village through a deciduous forest that has a section on a high berm that looks down to a bayou that I adore.... love to walk it in the fall....

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