What's love got to do with it? in In the Nude

  • Dec. 29, 2014, 12:50 p.m.
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I had a pretty good Christmas. Maya was definitely into it so the holidays have a different meaning. After we came home from my inlaws on Christmas I didn’t leave my apartment until I had to go to work Monday morning. I had a friend come up from Florida and Colorado for the weekend and I just had no motivation to meet them out. I used to love going out too, not anymore. Don’t want to spend money or be hung over. I guess this is growing up lol

My hubby bought me a beautiful Tiffany necklace for Christmas. I thought something other than Tiffany would jump out of the box, but it looks like mama was a good girl this year.

Still didn’t hear if I got promotion in my department , but the more time that goes by makes me think I didn’t. I have another interview next week for a different dept/ same company. Same dept that I was declined for three jobs over past year, but I’m trying to remain optimistic . Kind of hard to be so in this company. It sucks here.

As for my marriage, we work together for sake of my daughter, but I don’t believe I’m in love with him anymore. Too much has happened between us. He’s lied too many times. Even when things were good, he still lied. What’s changed since then is that our life is monotonous, and more challenging. And the reality is, if we did not have a kid I would never have gotten married or stayed married.

It’s hard bc I love my ‘family’ just not my marriage. It’s a false reality and when I see other ppl getting married my first thought is, you fools! Love isn’t real. I need to get to a place where I can financially take care of me and my daughter. I just don’t want to break her heart which will inevitably be broken bc her father was allergic to the truth.

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