Damn You Mississippi! in Friends With the Benedicts

  • Feb. 28, 2015, 12:13 p.m.
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I’ve been calling my MS Mississippi lately, just bein funny. Here’s my FB status after I got back from the Neurology appt. -

It wasn’t a stroke, I’ve just never had an MS relapse apparently. LOL. Hopefully will be admitted to the hospital for steroid infusions soon. Oh joy. I know Laura is gonna love to hear that. Maybe I will just make them keep me an extra 3 days after until the anger subsides… damn my head hurts, and my other leg is tired of carrying me. My foot on the left leg didn’t react at all when he did the test where they put something under it and run it up your foot. He’s like, Oh yea that’s weak. Ya think? LOL

So yea… I am glad it wasn’t a stroke, but annoyed that I have to wait till Monday to go to the hospital. I should have pushed for it to be done before I left their office. Obviously they closed early on Friday because when I left, the lobby was all dark and I don’t think they do that when they just go to lunch. Plus, I couldn’t get ahold of em for the rest of the day. It’ll just be easier if they admit me. I’ll be in the place I need to be to get everything done all at once, and I don’t mind being in the hospital. It’s nice to get away every once in a while. Nice stress free no cat zone! Anyway -

So me and Laura did talk after that entry. I knew we would. I ended up breaking down and crying, and telling her that I had needed her. She was like, well you have to tell me these things! lol. Why can’t she just read my mind? LOL.

So yea, Mommy. She went for a PET scan finally, and I went with her to the appt. with her Oncologist to get the results. There is nothing showing up in the other boob, but something did light up on her thyroid. So, she had to go and have an ultrasound done on that. I went with her to that appt. too. I’m trying to go to more of her appointments, but with this apparent MS relapse, it’s making it hard! Anyway, her surgery has been scheduled for March 10th. The Oncologist was upset that it hadn’t already been scheduled, but she explained (or tried to, she is very interrupty. lol) that she was still waiting for it to be 30 days until she had quit smoking like the plastic surgeon had said. She told her not to worry about the reconstruction right now and then proceeded to repeat “you just need to get the surgery done” after everything we would say or any questions we had. She is a very frustrating woman. But, according to my Mom, the plastic surgeon’s exact words were, “If you want someone to be nice and hold your hand, go find another doctor cuz she isn’t the one for you. But if you want someone who is the best at what they do, you’ve got her.” So I guess that’s good. I’m currently watching Pink in concert on TV. I recorded it. Eh, I’m not a huge fan, but I wanted to see how she was in concert. So far it’s just been a bunch of hanging on a bouncy rope and swinging over the stage. LOL. Ooh… I need to call the Neurologist and leave them another message, he asked if my eyes were affected, and I said yea kinda, the other night when I was tired, my right eye went crossed, but I blew it off as tiredness. But now I think they are starting to get wonky. :( Aww Pink is singing that Not Broken Just Bent song, I love that one!! lol Yea, so I am trying to get in and outta the hospital before my Mom’s surgery. Dammit… I just took a selfie and my right eye is crossed. It’s not as bad as the left one, (yet) but it’s still noticeable. I’m just all messed up right now. My mom says she can’t tell that my eye is crossed in that pic. I assure u it is, it’s the right eye this time. I can’t decide whether I wanna wait for the doc on monday or just go to the hospital myself. I dunno… I’m so frustrated and confused. :(


Last updated February 28, 2015

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