Timing is everything in Adventures in paradise

  • Feb. 23, 2015, 10:30 p.m.
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I’m sitting in Queen Victoria park, with the intention of going to the nearby pool for some tanning action, as I don’t really like the idea of rocking up to Mardi Gras looking like an albino ghost.

Mother Nature, of course, seems to have other plans, as the ratio of clouds to blue sky is probably around 5:1. So now I’m thinking it’s probably better to hold onto my entry fee for a sunnier day.

It’s quite nice just sitting here on a park bench though. There is a game of basketball happening on the nearby courts that I sometimes play tennis at, and it’s shirts vs skins, so I got distracted by that for a few mins on the way here :P

I did manage to hit the gym though before, so that’s something. The chances of this sun re-energing are seeming slim, even though I got quite a bit of sun on the walk here, which was probably enough to fry my poor sensitive skin before I got the chance to lather myself in sunscreen.
Ergh, I never seem to time Mother Nature well. At least it’s not raining (yet) and is quite nice right now with a cool breeze. Maybe I should go see a movie instead. It is cheap Tuesday. I thought I just heard a whistle in the distance, so maybe there’s squad training anyway.

Edit: I did end up going to the pool. Had a great time and the water was so nice :D

I look a bit weird in today’s selfie, but meh :P

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Last updated February 24, 2015

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