Things to do when not working: in Lists
- Nov. 18, 2013, 3:14 a.m.
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- Reinstate loop - have to leave Gracie at home.
- Garden.
- Watch cattle.
- Do the Gazette puzzles. Read paper?
- In theory, clean.
- Read, organize books.
- Paint, both ways.
- Work on my stomach.
- Help Jim farm.
- Be able to stay inside all day, stay in bed all day.
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NorthernSeeker ⋅ November 17, 2013
These are all good things. I'm not sure why Gracie has to stay home, though.
woman in the moon NorthernSeeker ⋅ November 17, 2013
Gracie has to stay home because she is too much trouble on a leash and the loop has highway and too many neighbors' attractions.
RoseS ⋅ November 17, 2013
Take more pictures. Write book reviews (i love your take on books) Think about writing one.
Remember you do need to be among people too. Winter gets to be long in your part of the world!