Holidays! in It's a llittle llazy over here

  • March 6, 2015, 12:45 a.m.
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Well. . . I’m not at work. This is a holiday by definition, I suppose. Actually, I’ve been at home while the builders are in replacing our bathroom.

It looks wonderful already. Admittedly the bathroom we inherited defied all common sense by appearing to be several decades older than the house, but even so it looks so much better now it’s phenomenal to see.

The man has been in for four days, and it’s almost done. New tiles, new suite, new floor, new extractor fan and a new wall behind the bath.

You can save up to 70% of the cost doing this kind of work yourself, it is said. On the other hand, it is also said, ‘sod that for a game of soldiers, guv’. I want a bathroom done by someone who’s really good at putting in bathrooms, not one slapped together by someone who’s never done that kind of work before in his life. I mean, holy cows you should see the array of specialist tools this guy has to work with, and it’s still taking him a week and a bit to get the refit done. No wonder I hear of so many people who optimistically set out to refit the bathroom themselves and are still at it a year later.

I’ll stick to my spreadsheets and reporting, and let the professional tradesmen do their work, thank you.

Otherwise, life is good. . . . Llamas remain awesomess in banana-eared form and in a couple of days time I can have a proper bath. In a new bath. Woo!

Have a good weekend, y’all.

QueSeraSera March 06, 2015

the bathroom sounds quite lovely!

unimportant March 06, 2015

I'm with you -- that kind of work should be left to professionals! Every time I've thought about doing home improvement myself, I've found that I'm lacking some special tool(s) or equipment that I would have to buy or rent, which would really cut into any savings I'd get from doing it myself.

I hope you post some pictures when it's done!

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