InCoWriMo in The Past

  • Feb. 12, 2015, 11:44 p.m.
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  • Public

So, in the spirit of my “gotta do as much as I possibly can while I have energy,” moods, I joined a really awesome group thing… it’s called INternational COrrespondence WRIting MOnth (InCoWriMo). The idea’s a lot like the other -Mo things there are… you do something, in this case, hand write a letter, every day of the month. I’m really far behind so I’m doubling up for the second half of the month, but I was wondering… would anyone like a handwritten letter? I’m going to go to the store tomorrow for some really awesome pens and stationery and would love to send a rambling, poorly written, and yet, awesomely entertaining letter to you all!

If so, you can leave your address here in a private note, or email it to me at [email protected]

I’ve gotten 6 or so letters so far… all of them are amazing and made me smile. There’s really nothing quite like running to the mailbox after you get off of work, only to have a letter waiting for you.

Last updated December 24, 2016

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