Sunday morning in Hello.

  • Feb. 8, 2015, 11:21 a.m.
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I’m just getting over a horrendous stomach....thing. Thankfully no nausea or sickness was involved (I don’t cope well with vomiting). On Friday I went shopping in Next Town as we don’t really have many proper shops here. As it’s a tourist town, most of our shops are gift shops or cafes. I bought myself some trousers for work and I went into Holland and Barratt for some rice and beans. They had boxes full of sachets of milled seeds. 7 sachets for £2.99. They sounded good, each sachet was enough for one meal. You mix them in with your regular food to bulk it out and being low GI, they keep you feeling fuller for longer. I figured I had nothing to lose by trying them. I mixed the sachet of hemp seeds with my paella at dinner. I ate a bit less than I would have done and hooray! The seeds did fill me up and I wasn’t hungry! About 10 I still felt full, but bloated and full. I woke up at 2am, still uncomfortable. I got up for work the next morning, I felt ok ish. Our 10.30 brew time came, I left my coffee to go cold because I was busy, then drank it quickly. I ended up with what I thought was indigestion, which I sometimes get if I drink my coffee quickly. It got worse and worse throughout the day. I took Andrew’s, I went out and bought Zantac and while I was in the queue and playing with my ring, I realised that my fingers were swollen and I panicked trying to take the ring off. It eased off slightly, but I was still bloated last night and this morning I feel a bit tender. Somehow I don’t think it’s the seeds, otherwise why would my stomach hurt? Surely the pain would be further down? My colleague, a trained occupational therapist, suggested it could be my gall bladder and to keep a note if it happens again.

I finally got my Nomination bracelet sorted! I had to order it from Germany in the end and they accidentally sent me the wrong size. When I emailed them, they said it wasn’t cost effective to send back, so I’ve ended up with two, which I’ve decided to keep. This is the one for the charm Rob got me for Christmas. He got me the heart. :)
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I got bored with my hair again (I know, right?), so I cut the fringe back in and dyed it red. This time it’s a more subtle gingery red, I don’t think my new work would be too happy if I turned up with bright scarlet hair!
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Miso Honey February 08, 2015

Love the new hair colour! Where did you get that bracelet? Looks like it might be adjustable in size and could possibly fit my wide wrists.

Babe In Toyland Miso Honey ⋅ February 08, 2015

Yes, it's stretchy, but you can add links to it to make it as big as you like. Find Nomination bracelets on eBay.

Perpetually Plump February 13, 2015

Your hair looks gorgeou. IIt'sa nice color and the ffringeis flattering (this damned phone!)
I had what iIrthinkwas a ggallbladderattack 2 weeks back. It felt llike the worst gas ever, and it radiated into my back. It lasted for about an hour before subsiding. It was pretty awful!

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