Sunny in Hello.

  • Feb. 1, 2015, 6:02 a.m.
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Today is a gorgeous sunny day. Cold, but there is no wind and the sky is blue. And what am I doing? Lying in bed, looking at the blue sky outside!
Bel is at theatre group all day today. She’s really enjoying it, she’s making new friends. She normally goes for 2 hours on a Thursday, but today, Sunday, they’re rehearsing from 10am till 4, which seems a bit much to me! But as long as she’s enjoying it, that’s the main thing.
Eleanor is so much better. She woke up yesterday morning a bit floppy, but her glands and temperature were back to normal. So many people stopped me and asked me how she was, after I’d said she was ill on Facebook. One of my friends, Lucky, had been carrying something around in her pocket for weeks and stopped me on the way to buy something for tea. It was one of those flannels that expands in water, it had a picture of a dinosaur on it called an Eleanorsaurus. She’d seen it and immediately thought of Eleanor. So nice! And Eleanor loved it!

John has said he’ll give me the money for driving lessons. :) So I’m going to be on with that this week. I need to speak to my manager about what days I can get off, I don’t want to do it after work when it’s dark! I think I might go with some sort of semi-intensive class as I’d like to have my license by the summer.

The trainee tutor scheme I’m interested in applying for is open for applicants in July. The trainee scheme is difficult to get into, once you’ve passed the application stage, there is a two day interview and they only take on 15 applicants a year!

I’ve cut my fringe back in. Phew! I had intended on growing it out, but it has got to the stage where it was dangling in my eyes and was too short to pull back. Plus looking at pictures of myself, I think I look better with a fringe anyway. Someone has described it as “suicide bangs”, which means, I think, short and blunt. I need to wash my hair to get it to sit right, it looks a bit freakish right now!

Last updated February 01, 2015

Lucretia February 01, 2015

I'm glad Eleanorsaurus is feeling better and that things are going well for Rob - I hope he gets in to the Camp Canada thing.

I hope you enjoy driving, it's a bit scary to begin with but I find it really fun now. Fingers crossed you get your licence for when you want it :)

Miso Honey February 01, 2015

Suicide bangs? What an odd term...

My wife is starting too learn to drive, too. Not so much that she wants to, more that she is tired of friends bugging her.

Bomb Shell February 01, 2015

Is it the same flannel you bought me and Jay for Christmas? :o) We have them on display in the bathroom, I don't want to open them! lol.

When I first cut my fringe back in, it took a few days for it to sit right as it kept splitting in the middle.

Babe In Toyland Bomb Shell ⋅ February 01, 2015

Yes it is! She opened it when I wasn't here, boo!

~Twinkle~ February 01, 2015

Glad Eleanor is on the mend xx

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