Entry 15-02.03.34 in Book Two: The Fifteenth Year of the Third Millennium of the Common Era
- Feb. 3, 2015, 3:57 p.m.
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It has been a day. lol
Last night, worried that my insomnia would prevent me from being able to do my job as I was covering an AM shift, I got into bed around 10:00 pm. Happily, I drifted off to sleep without much of a fuss. Only to wake up at 3 am. And I was unable to get back to sleep until 5 am. So… apparently, my body thinks five hours of sleep is Bar appropriate. When I awoke for my morning shift… I had to spend 45 minutes clearing the piles of ice and snow off of my car. The process quite literally destroyed my scrapper. On the road to the Jail; the highways were filled with accidents and individuals demanding that 30 MPH was far too fast on a highway that had been exposed to snow and ice more than 38 hours ago. GUH! So, I get to work and pull into the parking lot… mind you, a parking lot owned and operated by the City/County. It has not been plowed. It hasn’t snowed in over a day and a half and they haven’t plowed yet. Ugh! I jam my car into a snowdrifted parking space and race to the court room… I arrive five minutes late. Too late for work, apparently, as the courtroom was already clearing out. There had only been 3 inmates for the morning! It takes me longer to tie my snow boots than it takes to arraign 3 inmates. Waste! Of course, as I return to my car… it is thoroughly stuck in the parking space. So, in my suit and tie and winter coat (after putting my car into neutral); I spend twenty minutes pushing my car out of the predicament it is in!
On the drive home, the radio is exploding with Vac v. Anti-Vac arguments. It would seem that, even despite the Vaccines=Autism story being completely debunked… people still feel that there is not enough positive to outweigh the fictitious negatives of vaccinating. Frustrating to hear but whatever. Get home, check Facebook… Vaccine argument on Facebook everywhere. Someone actually said: Vaccines damage the immune system and make us weaker against diseases. Uhm… that’s adorable that you posit your personal beliefs as fact, but rational debate requires Fact/Research/History to be debated by Fact/Research/History..... if a debate gets to be “Things I Subjectively Believe Accepted as Unquestionable Fact”.... then… my head explodes. I’m even a fairly religious guy, here, and my head is about to explode when people believe that actions/beliefs/motives shouldn’t be questioned or investigated logically and rationally. If you are anti-vac; have some science or research or history supporting you.... don’t hang your argument on “I have fears and I have rights.”
Unsurprisingly, I am spending the majority of my time today studying. Instead of videos or practice quizzes (which is what is scheduled) I decided sod it. I can “catch up” on videos and quizzes whenever… but I’m only going to start to feel better about this impending exam (20 Days!) by creating study materials I can use on my terms. There are many things I am doing in preparation for this test that I did not do for the last test; but I think this is the most important. I am creating Flash Cards of Specific Concepts I missed in practice quizzes and I am creating outlines for topics I didn’t do well in. Today is Contracts. Hopefully, I’ll also do more full versions.... full outlines for topics and flash cards for all concepts but… starting on areas of trouble will, hopefully, give me more time to internalize all of these concepts.
Though… I can say with a great deal of confidence that I wish I had more focus. It is really hard right now to just sit still, write out all of this stuff, and keep going. I know that it is okay to give myself breaks but… I shouldn’t need to get up every hour.
Brief Aside: Last time I took the Bar Exam; I was taking it alongside a lot of really good friends and really respected colleagues… I didn’t care if I passed/failed because, since there is a 20% mandatory fail rate… I figured, my failure would likely help make it possible for one of my friends to pass. This time? I don’t feel that way at all. This time; I feel like I’ve been working hard, putting the time in… this time if I fail I am just going to be pissed.
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