It's The End Of The World As We Know It in My Unpredictable Life ...

  • Jan. 28, 2014, 2:38 a.m.
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It's the end of the world as we know it

It's the end of the world as we know it

It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine

- It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine) - R.E.M.

Ay yi yi!

So many entries about OD! I'll be the first to admit that I am sad. Almost 9 years has come to an end. I have met some of the most wonderful people via OD. I have met some of the most frustratingly egotistical, self-centered, babies via OD. As with everything, there will always be good to go along with the bad. But, yes, some of my deepest, darkest fears are on OD; some of the most wonderful moments of my life are on OD. But they are not lost. I was able to save them. One day, when Simple Mind has made it happen, I will upload them here.

(Which reminds me, I will be nice and NOT flood your Bookmark's page with uploading old OD entries via copy/paste. You are very welcome!! coughcoughjoecoughcough When I do upload them, it will be done in a separate book made private until all entries are transferred and then made public.)

Anyway, so many people have so many emotions over OD shutting down for good. As I said, I am sad. However, I left there many months ago. I saw then that it wasn't going to end good. Most every member there was warned that it wouldn't end on a good note. I commend those that held on till it's last dying breath. But we all saw it coming, even those that refused to see what was right in front of their eyes. I left mainly because it was a reminder of a recent bad time in my life. I had been told about this place, I had been testing it out, and when my life hit a brick wall, I decided a clean slate was in order. I didn't need constant reminders of what once was. Of course, the reminder was here too, posting away, but luckily I very rarely ever saw one of those posts on the main page of PB. I've enjoyed starting this new life of mine, with dear to my heart favorites from OD, and with all the new, wonderful people I have met here. I wouldn't give it up (Prosebox) for a free "Lifetime OD Membership".

As everyone is "venting" their frustrations over the end of an era known as Open Diary, keep these words in mind:

  • A lot of people deal with grief differently. Some refuse to let go of the past, some are embracing the change with open arms. Regardless of who is feeling what, no one has the right to tell them that they "don't have the right to feel what they feel." If you don't agree, move along to the next bookmark. Respect other people's opinions and they will respect yours :) - Sassy

Moving along now ...

I want to apologize to all of you, my dear sweet readers. It was only recently that it dawned on me what I had been putting you all through with my entries over the past few weeks/months. I did not realize that I was repeating the same thing over and over and over again [read: my work]. Now that I have been subjected to that myself with another diarist here on PB, I see now what I was doing, and I am so, so sorry! Please forgive me!

I did not realize how annoying, how frustrating, how obnoxious, how exasperating talking about my work over and over again was for you all. Now that I have seen the light, I will cease to talk about it unless something major happens i.e. I get fired, I get a new job.

But seriously, next time I do something like that, slap me upside the head will you? Seriously, someone say something! Over the past few weeks, after stumbling upon a new to me reader, I have done nothing but want to rip my hair out! Everyday, it is the same entry, words changed around here and there to make it seem like a new entry. Sometimes multiple times a day. And opinionated? I thought I held the top honors in that department! Not I, not any longer. As sad as it is to say these words, say them I must: I have stopped reading said diarist for the sake of my sanity. I will never utter any of these words to them, I have no right to hurt their feelings. I'll just do the mature thing and silently walk away and go back to my corner of the universe. But I wish I could slap a clue into them and say, "Let it go already! Stop letting it control you! Stop allowing it to consume you so much that you are nothing but obsessed with it! Stop allowing it to keep you from enjoying life! There is a world outside of this computer just waiting for you to walk away and come join in it! And for the love of God, stop shoving it down people's throat that if they don't agree with your opinion they can move along. Practice what you preach!" Maybe one day I will look them up again and see if things have gotten worse, or better, or if it is the same song and dance as it was yesterday.

Whew, I feel better! lol

Okay, that's all I got for tonight. We got 2" of snow earlier this evening so I have 2500 sq. ft. of floors to mop here at work. Joy, joy, joy. Oh, before I forget, this is my birthday week. You have been warned. lol

Till next time ....

~Perfectly Imperfect~ January 28, 2014

It is sad to see OD go, event though I wasn't a everyday poster, It was always there.... I just went back to the beginning of mine and wow have I changed LOL I am glad though that most of the friends I had there I have on here and on Facebook.

OneSassyLadyNKY ~Perfectly Imperfect~ ⋅ January 28, 2014

I've been reading old entries too. Some I wish I never opened up, some I had forgotten about (ones of my daughter). It is sad, but change is good also :)

JadedAngel68 January 28, 2014

Chic Chat January 28, 2014

I have a bookmark like that. Same thing! I want to scream "move on already". So annoying.

Ick! Im glad the snow decided to pass us up this round! Have fun with that mopping, I know you just can't wait to get started. Ha!

OneSassyLadyNKY Chic Chat ⋅ January 28, 2014

When I was reading that person, I felt like all the readers were stuck in movie 50 First Dates and the Diarist was waking us up each day and telling us about them self as if they had never wrote an entry prior to that particular entry. It was literally THE.SAME.THINGS.WRITTEN.EVERY.SINGLE.ENTRY. And some days they must have been really bored because they felt the need to re-write everything over again, paragraphs switched around, and post it again, up to 3 times in one day!! I needed to either walk away or start using LSD lol

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