Maintenance... in Secrets from myself

  • Nov. 10, 2013, 12:28 p.m.
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The preview button on the tool bar is a toggle switch. On and it's preview, off and it's back to editing window. Neat.

I used the italic button when I was writing about books, I like that too.

Pic above is water in the top of a five gallon pail that's been on my deck now for several years. We had rain the end of last week and that was good. I think the pail is/was deck sealing material.

Our deck was built to celebrate the high school graduation of our younger son, in 1988. We had a party. Not a big one but bigger than the one for is brother in 1985.

The house had a wrap around porch where the deck is. It was wearing out and we took it down. It had white turned wood posts holding up the roof. The posts are in the wood shed.

Now the deck is worn out. It's pulling away from the house and it bounces up and down when you walk across it.

I wish I came from a handy family - from people who took care of things. Instead I come from people who might do projects partially, but they never get them finished.

When we came back to the farm, my husband was eager to do things and he did. He painted the barn. And shingled and painted the house. He hire the barn shingled, it was too high and steep. My son and I have had metal roofs put on both barn and house by the Amish.

It's not that we do nothing. It's just that we don't do a lot. We don't do enough.

We care but we don't care enough.

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Sugar Magnolia November 10, 2013

Old houses are wonderful and full of personality but they are expensive. I care about mine but can't afford to do the things that need to be done.

Spilledperfume November 10, 2013

Beret November 11, 2013

It took me awhile to figure out that toggle feature. I like how this site keeps getting improved. And I really, really like it because it WORKS! I never remember seeing my father with a hammer, or any kind of tool, in his hand. Therefore, I am handicapped. My mother certainly didn't have time to be handy. And now, here I am, trying to remodel the basement by watching youtube and asking others how to do stuff. This should be interesting.

NorthernSeeker November 11, 2013

I love your photos...the reflections and Stripey Butt.

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