Getting out of debt in 43 Things
- Oct. 29, 2013, 12:30 p.m.
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So, I have two credit cards in collections. I have been making payments on the one for probably over a year, but only $50 a month. But that's all I could manage when I finally stopped avoiding the 3x's a day phone calls and dealt with it. The second one I've only been paying on for 3 months, 100 a month. They called while I was driving home from work yesterday and offered a 60% discount if I payed it off in 3 months. That would've been something like $700 a month. I couldn't do that. But I did agree to $550 for 4 months. It goes on a credit card anyways. The problem was, I thought my credit limit for that card was only 500, so today I tried to increase my limit. Turns out my credit limit was actually 750, but I still increased it just to be safe. It scares me that i was able to do so with a click of a few buttons. Basically all I needed was my annual income and my monthly rent. Boom. $500 increase effective immediately.
I feel very adult-like. And I will feel even more adult like when that debt is paid off in January. That will only leave me with 2 outstanding debts- the one I pay 50 a month on and the credit union one that I owe about 900 on still. But I've been paying that one off in chunks of 2 and 3 hundred dollars since I got this new job, so that one should be payed off soon, too.
I keep interchanging payed and paid. Not sure which is correct. I think it's paid. But obviously I don't know or I wouldn't keep using both, lol.
So. My bills are being taken care of. Now if only I can be a big girl and keep my house clean and laundry caught up with....wee....
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