Monday: Deadz, Week 1. in Exerbabble III

  • Jan. 20, 2015, 9:45 a.m.
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I’m trying to stop having preworkout coffee. I liked it for the jolt it gave me, and every time I felt motivated to GOGOGO. But over time, I ended up needing more and more. And eventually the quantity of caffeine was clearly triggering my anxiety. As well, if I went a day without caffeine, I experienced withdrawal. As well, I’ve felt like I’ve had issues getting to sleep at night. So. This is my first caffeine-free workout in a long time. A year? I’m not sure.

It’s a fear that I won’t have the energy to lift. It is quite a chunk of time to dedicate. It’s not just the lifting. It’s the drive there, drive back, the knowledge I’ll have to eat afterwards. From pre-workout whey to completing these annotations, it’s about a four hour chunk of time. It’s something I try to forget about by reminding myself, “I WILL have time to relax.”

    Monday, 12-29-14
    Cycle II, Week 1: Deads

    Yesterday's nutrition: Poor.
    Last night's sleep: Good.


    foam rolling

    3 @ 135, 185, 225 lbs, 1 @ 275 lbs
    3, 3, 4 @ 295 lbs (-5 lbs)
    5x10 @ 185 lbs

    Back Extension: 3x8 @ 35 lbs

    Side Plank 3x15sec
    Plank: 3x30sec (-20 seconds)

    lower stretching

    Crux of workout: 61 minutes

Decided squatting twice a week was stressing me out. As well, deads after squats, while doable, meant doing two heavy lifts consequcutively. Keeping the same heavy set/rep, but making the accessory work 5x10, a la 5/3/1’s Boring But Big. Keeps it pretty damn simple.

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