Where Ere in Everyday Ramblings
- Jan. 18, 2015, 1:37 a.m.
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This is a bald eagle looking for lunch in winter. Many of them are taking turns sitting on eggs now. I took this out at Sauvie Island. I am going to see today if I can go birding out there next month with a group. At least maybe I can get on the wait list. I am very happy to have my weekend free again for things like this.
Sorry the post yesterday was kind of dark and full of mutant cells wreaking havoc in people’s lives and mine by association. It is what it is.
My beloved cat sitter is coming over to meet Carlo and Diego tomorrow. We are all very excited. And Kes and Most Honorable are coming up on Monday to visit a friend and will stop by and see me as well. We are also very much looking forward to that as Most Honorable was sick for the whole holiday corridor after they returned from their anniversary beach trip and I haven’t seen him in weeks.
It is raining and very dark out and will be that way for days. We may have some flooding tonight. I have my rain pants on and am going to walk over to Weight Watchers anyway. I didn’t go last week and I need to encouragement to not eat into my blues. When I do these days I make better choices but a binge is still a binge and for some reason that I am not sure I fully understand I am not getting myself to the gym at all.
I run and walk fast on the track weather permitting, and I walk a lot and I do my Dance party, Belly Dancing Bollywood, Jane Fonda workouts here at home and even though not as much as I would like to, some weight routines and of course I practice yoga but organizing myself off to the gym, no, not happening.
It takes work to maintain a weight loss. It is subtly a different kind of work than most of us are doing in terms of trying to and some times succeeding in losing weight. I think that might be part of my problem with the gym.
For years and years I would drive myself as if the furies were at my heels to workout because I thought my body was gross. (It wasn’t, but that is another story.) So now it is more like what can I fit in that isn’t too effortful that is enough to keep the weight off.
I also find that energy management is an issue. I have less energy reserves to pull from, as I get older.
The facilitator from my Women’s Circle who had the devastating heart attack is making an amazing recovery and is maybe 75% functional to where she was before, (which is a heck of a lot better than being dead), is back in the group and sent me the sweetest email a couple of days back saying that it was okay with her if I came back to the group, I could come after class even if I were a little late.
I responded that I appreciated the offer and might consider it after I retire but now…
I need more sleep. Now that my activity monitor records my sleep it turns out I sleep less than I thought I did. I, umm, read too much.
Wish me luck out in the soggy cloud out there as I wish you a lovely cheerful day where ere you happen to be.
Last updated January 18, 2015
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