Hanging In There in Everyday Ramblings

  • Jan. 19, 2015, 8:45 a.m.
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My oldest sister is hanging in there. She had a rise in blood pressure last night and her heart remains strong. She was able to squeeze Kes’s hand at one point.

Everybody is exhausted and headachy and behaving as if they are. There is a meeting with the staff and what family is up there early this evening.

I don’t know what to hope for and am trying to stay in the present if possible.

Most Honorable is coming up for an early lunch and then going off to see a friend of theirs that is only in town a few days.

It is still foggy, dark damp and cold but for right this minute we are getting a blessed break in the rain.

We managed to get all of Diego’s claws clipped yesterday though it was quite the thing. That will make my life easier. :)

I have a good neck and shoulder release practice to teach tonight. I think I will have at least two students.

It is a work holiday today here in the U.S. and I am grateful, as it is a good time to reflect and recharge. I still have some work to do in that arena.

Sun’s coming up, (which means a lighter shade of dark) and I need to go feed the birds.

Last updated January 20, 2015

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