Job in Hello.

  • Jan. 17, 2015, 10:44 a.m.
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I realise that I haven’t been talking too much about my new job, simply because I feel this is a stop gap between now and The Ranger Job™. I mean, obviously my employers aren’t aware of this fact, it might be a couple of years yet before I’m qualified enough to do the job of my dreams. I did email the FSC about their tutor training scheme and when applications open, but they haven’t got back in touch with me yet. I’m hoping it’s just taking them a while and they’re not just ignoring me!
Off the back of that, I’m going to start looking for driving instructors next month. I opened a high interest savings account last year, paying £25 a month into it. This should mature at the end of March, with a grand total of £318 being deposited into my bank account. I’m going to use this, plus the money my parents offered towards driving lessons, to pay for a bulk package. I heard that the average person usually needs as many hours as their age to pass....I hope not, 42 hours is going to cost me a lot!
Anyway, work is going great. I turn up, 2 minutes after leaving my house, do my job and go home. I get paid cash in hand on a Friday. No cashing up, no opening or closing, no emailing the head office, no targets, no making grovelling phone calls to the area manager explaining why we hadn’t made target....etc, etc. Everyone who works there is nice. I got a Christmas bonus even though I’d been there less than two weeks. Marcus and Dawn, who own the business, are really, really nice. In fact, when I first started, I was confused about the heirarchy there. As you do, I was just asking a random member of staff what I should do now, I’m not doing anything, and they’d say “on a Thursday we do a stock check on this, go get a sheet from under the till and mark them off, replenish them, dust the shelves and tidy them up…” which confused me because everyone would say it. But now I know they do work as an actual TEAM, which is a novelty to me. There is no actual heirarchy, except the fact that the owners make the final decisions and send emails. Everyone has time to show me how to do new things. The owners come in at 8.30 and clean the shop before we open. They go in the office and do their manager thing then come out and ask me what jobs need doing. It really is the nicest business I have EVER worked for.
I really must remember to ask about time off in May to go see Foo Fighters. Ee!

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