Return. in Whey and Sonic Screwdrivers.

  • Jan. 17, 2015, 9:01 p.m.
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I don’t really have a full write-up in mind. The first couple days in cancun felt cold, cloudy, and crowded. There were some excursions that went on too long and were not as expected. I made a point to lay out in the sun a lot, and I’m convinced it helps with my depression. It’s unfortunate I’ve been to Mexico before, as that was my basis of comparison. That vacation blew my mind. This vacation felt like a struggle to relax. Nonetheless, a break in routine was nice, and I’m wise enough to let the memories of the positive outweigh the atrocious moments.

Wow, that sounds atrocious to read. But even if it was a bad vacation, it’s certainly better than no vacation. Perhaps I’ll write more tomorrow, as memories do tend to fade.

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