Ford Video in These titles mean nothing.
- Jan. 4, 2015, 6:05 a.m.
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When I finished Salter’s Light Years I went back to the front and read a long introduction by Richard Ford. It was a good piece of writing itself and it lead me to look Ford up. He has an interesting [wiki article]. (
I have heard of him but I either haven’t read him or read him and was too busy to give him enough attention or he didn’t impress me. Since he had good things to say about Salter, I thought I should give him another chance.
Ford’s first big book was The Sportswriter. I have a copy of it on my F shelf. I think I will give it a chance now that I have more patience for reading. Wiki says he wrote more books with the same character, following him through life much like Updike did with Rabbit Angstrom.
Last night when I was up after midnight I thought I’d go look at youtubes and one of the subjects that came to mind was Ford. I watched some but not all of the video at the top of the page. What struck me was the setting. Ford was born in Mississippi and has lived all over. He has a home in Maine. I wondered if the interview had been made at his home. He is pictured inside big windows with a winter storm outside with waves coming to shore at what seemed a very short distance from the house and at the same level. It’s fascinating to watch.
When I say I want to live by the ocean for a year - I never think about Maine. Now I will.
Last updated January 04, 2015
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