And the women were mopping in the streets . . . . in It's a llittle llazy over here

  • Jan. 19, 2015, 9 a.m.
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So . . . standard not going to bed before Monday morning entry . . . Woo.

We saw a random film on Netflix the other day - Arn, the Knight Templar. Kind of a meh film that I do not recommend, except for the fact that the whole thing is in multiple languages and has closed caption subtitles, which gave us one moment of utter genius.

Closed caption subtitles give descriptions of sounds that are happening on screen, as opposed to your standard subtitles that just translate the dialogue. . . So we have a scene in a church where the priest is excommunicating our hero and sentencing him to 20 years penance, because that’s apparently a thing that priests can do in this film. . . . There are gasps, hammy Swedish acting all round and the caption flashes up on the screen:

Women mopping

Kind of robbed the moment of it’s gravitas.

Our bathroom suite arrives this week. Woo. Oh such fun. Work is OK at the moment, but getting up in the mornings is just horrible. I’m counting down to the end of February when sunrise finally starts coming before I have to get up.

My skin has settled down muchly. This is a relief, but the fact that I’m now more or less having to ban myself from long hot showers (pretty sure that’s part of the problem), that’s not improving my mood in the mornings either. I have relatively few vices and that was one of them. pfffffffffffffffffffffffft.

Had a home recording session with the band on Saturday. That was nice. Home recording has moved on an awful lot in the last few years - thank advances in laptops for that. We should get some quite nice mixes, I hope. . . . Yes.

Boo for Mondays. Mondays kind of suck.

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