Update on lack of communication in Torridaussity Two

  • Jan. 2, 2015, 6:40 p.m.
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  • Public

Well turns out James did reply yesterday to confirm the time and my phone never notified me. I went to text him again and there was the reply weird so instead of re-asking him I was polite and said I am looking forward to meeting you in person tomorrow night, hope you had a good week. His reply was thanks I had today off the rest of the week was ok see you tomorrow night. I replied see you then as he obviously didn’t want to have a quick chat. I am a talker the person I end up with is going to need to be a talker someone who wants to talk and open up and so far he is not like that. I will go on the date and keep an open mind, but I am not impressed. The least he could have done was say how was your week or how are you, but nothing. ugh.
I’m writing a lot today lol that’s what happens when I have time off.

Deleted user January 02, 2015

I like that you are writing more :)

Always Laughing Deleted user ⋅ January 02, 2015

I am trying to write at least once a day but today was a bunch and there will be one more with my new hair real pic

Deleted user January 02, 2015

I agree. You arent asking for his life story over text, just a little light hearted banter.

Always Laughing Deleted user ⋅ January 02, 2015


Loki January 02, 2015

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