Happy because... in Torridaussity Two

  • Dec. 28, 2014, 11:17 p.m.
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  • Public

The Steelers won the AFC North championship yay. Also happy that I have one week with nothing, but fun things to do and to write a real entry in here on all the craziness that has been going on this past month or 2. Hope you all had a great Christmas and that 2015 is as good if not better for all of us.

Deleted user December 29, 2014

I am happy Carolina won ....~~~~ Happy new year ~~~~ 2015
I pray is a great year for you.....Elizabeth

Deleted user December 29, 2014

Happy new year to you :)

Deleted user December 30, 2014

Hope you have a wonderful 2015 as well :)

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