Happy Thanksgiving a day late in Tea at the Cabin in the Woods

  • Nov. 28, 2014, 8:26 p.m.
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We have been out of power for over 51 hours. Thank God we have a good generator which keeps a few lights on, the heat and water pump working as well as saving the food in the refrigerator and freezer. I can’t do a lot without getting winded,so shoveling the 12 inches of heavy wet snow we had on Wed., fell mostly to hubby. He started up the tracker and snow blower, made one pass down the drive and a very large belt fell off the bottom. I called our neighbor, he owns the equipment store where we bought the thing, and a couple hours later he was here with a new one and put it one. Just as he finished up, the power went out.

I had a big day planned with my daughter and her new man coming for dinner and she and I were going to make my famous Christmas candy - well that got scrapped. We are going to try for Sunday - but that still remains to be seen. We were told it could be Monday before the power would come back. Oh well, that is life I guess.

I am feeling a lot better. The Dr. said I had an inflammation around my ribs - particularly around the breast bone and to just let it heal. For the life of me I could not figure out what I had done to cause so much discomfort. Then it hit me… I have been working out on the cross-trainer treadmill, using my balance ball and putting in some time on the ROWING MACHINE. I think the rowing machine did me in since I can’t do more then 5 minutes at a time… Anyway, it’s over now. One of my classes made get well cards for me! They were all so sweet! No that doesn’t happen very often around here.

I hope your day was lovely and that the rest of the weekend will be even better. We’ll catch up soon.

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