Ordinary String, The Meritorious Benefits Of… in Everyday Ramblings
- Dec. 18, 2014, 8:37 a.m.
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By Diego T.B. Cat
Mom and Auntie Kes have brought me all sorts of toys. I have eight different kinds of rattily balls and colored pipe cleaners and tissue paper. I have mice in various sizes and textures and a velour bag stuffed with some odd herb that makes me want to roll around on it, there are shiny strips of color hooked into a couple of different toys that roll and flash I can bap up in the air and some cool new bright shoestrings but my absolute favorite toy is…
String. Just plain string.
My brother tells me that he heard that sometimes people tie birds up while they are cooking with ordinary string. I would like to play with one of those please.
Mom doesn’t play with me enough and sometimes I have to do things to get her attention. Tuesday I leapt (I am a good leaper even if I do have just the one eye, not like all you two eyes out there) from her workstation onto her keyboard tray because she was focusing too much on her screens. (Why are people always looking at screens when there is string???) and boy when it came unscrewed and fell to the floor did I get a reaction! There was a big crash. It scared me. I had to run out of the room in an undignified manner that does not suit my handsome (if unique) good looks.
I did have fun though because while mom went to the big red box full of shiny things to get something she calls a screwdriver, I made off with the little shiny thing she calls a screw that she had carefully placed next to her after searching for it on the floor. Ha! I know where it is but not even Carlissimo knows where I hid it.
Mom had to prop the keyboard tray on her workstation up under her desk with boxes and yoga blocks. I like it better this way, it is more sturdy when I roll over onto her keyboard and bap at the zipper on her sweatshirt.
I do like shiny things ever so much.
I was sad because that same afternoon mom went away and she seemed anxious. She said she was going to the doctor to have a suspicious spot removed that could be potentially a problem because she had cancer last year.
But then when she came home with a little paper bag full of sticks and tubes and more sticky patches she told us the doctors (there were three) said that they thought it was just a blood blister from perhaps a kitty claw puncture that, I, umm, might have caused.
I was just trying to love on her. Carlo and I horse around all the time and he doesn’t have to go to the doctor afterwards. Mom is a little bit of a wuss.
And she always wants to, well… pet me, I think it is called.
I like it okay but I’d really rather P-L-A-Y! Are you busy? Because I am available to play right now. And I know where the ball of string is. Mom says she has to work and can’t play all the time but I don’t get this whole work thing.
I guess it is kind of like what I do at night when I sleep next to her guarding her and making sure we wake up early and safely so that we can, umm, well, clearly…
Postscript: Mom says the TB in my middle name is “the Brat” but that is only because she is tired and hasn’t been playing enough. Sigh.
Last updated December 18, 2014
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