Job 2 interview. in Hello.

  • Dec. 12, 2014, 7:34 a.m.
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  • Public

I’ve just been for my interview as a costumed interpreter. It was....novel to say the least! The job would involve talking about what the member of staff would do in the house, in my case I would be a cook, baking in front of visitors. For the interview, I had to give a talk on a subject that interests me, so I spoke about spinning wool. I think I did ok, I managed to talk and keep my two interviewers interested. They also asked a couple of questions at the end, which I found encouraging. Then we had the interview, normal stuff, situation based questions. For the final task, I had to pick an item out of a selection of four, decide how old my audience were to be and give a convincing talk about it, whether I knew what the item was or not! I decided my audience were primary school kids and I picked out what I thought was a piece of ladies underwear (I found out later I was right, it’s called a stay) and gave a short talk about it, encouraging them to touch it and answering questions about it. So that was slightly unconventional, modelling a piece of underwear in an interview!
I should hear back from them later today or Monday. I hope I get it, it sounds great for experience. It’s only one day a fortnight during term time and a couple of days a week during the holidays.
I can’t talk about it on Facebook though as my new supervisor has just added me as a friend!
Rob went on two open days yesterday, one for Preston and another for Ormskirk. He didn’t get chance to do anything in Preston, it was just a flying visit. But he’s decided he really likes Ormskirk. It’s close to Liverpool and 40 minutes by train to Manchester, plus the course is meant to be really good. So fingers crossed for that one!

Last updated December 12, 2014

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