Vroom Vroom in Just in Case

  • Dec. 23, 2014, 8:20 p.m.
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The girls got an early Christmas gift from my sister and brother-in-law - a dune buggy/go-kart sort of thing. I could rant about all the things they needed to do with the money instead (clothes for Cbaby, fixing their truck, braces for Cbaby, dental work for my sister…the list goes on and on). However, those ideas are entirely too practical for them. At least they only bought one. When Cbaby told me they were looking at them I could just picture them pulling up with 2. It is fun to ride, but it’s already sitting wiating to be brough tin for work. It won’t shift into reverse. Everyone had fun the day or two that they could play on it before it broke.
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They even got Mamaw on it. (But she wouldn’t drive it.)
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I rode with Cbaby and got to drive it, too.
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I’m going to try and post a couple of videos at the end of them both driving it. It looks so dirty because they took it mud riding the first day.
I have everything wrapped and loaded in the car. I’m leaving in the morning to spend Christmas with the family. I don’t know if I’ll be able to get back on here tomorrow or Christmas day. Their coverage is…well…not good. I’m coming home at some point tomorrow evening/night. So, Merry Christmas to you all. I hope you get to spend the day with those you love. I hope you get to laugh and just enjoy the day!

Tootie driving:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//

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Cbaby driving:
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//

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