Happy times in Hello.

  • Dec. 8, 2014, 1:26 p.m.
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I’ve done three days at work now, and I have to say, it seems great so far. I basically know what I’m doing, Once you’ve worked in one shop, you’ve worked in them all! The till is straight forward, everything is priced, the staff I’ve met are all lovely, it’s a two minute walk from home and best of all.....NO HARD SELL OR ADD ONS!
The worst thing about working at the Edinburgh Woollen Mill was that it thought it was high end when in reality it was high street. We had to keep pushing sales and sell ridiculous add ons at the till. “I see you’re buying your granda a cardigan, would you like a glittery ring and some Kendal Mint Cake with that?” I hated doing that. This new place is fairly expensive, but it’s the kind of shop where people with money come anyway, so they’ll usually come in with the intention of spending. On Saturday, my first sale was an ornament and a pair of earrings, a grand total of £255. Needless to say, I was shaking as I carried the £195 ornament the length of the shop, down the stairs and placed it carefully in the box. Then the lady wanted it gift wrapped, but thankfully another member of staff offered to help me with that. And the customer was lovely too, telling me it was OK, everyone was new at one point.
I’m still going for this job interview on Friday. I’d rather that I did, get the job and be able to turn it down later on if it clashes than just not turn up and wonder “what if?” As the other job is only 5.75 hours a week out of season, I might be able to work it around the shop job. Plus even if I only do it for a couple of months, I can put it on my CV. Because once I pass my driving test, I am going to be applying for any sort of ranger/tutor role that comes up.
In other news, Rob is busily compiling his personal statements to put on his UCAS forms. He has a few unis he’s interested in. He said he can apply for up to five (I think!) and I know he’s applied for Preston, Leeds, Teeside and one in Cambridge. He’s put the Cambridge one as his top choice. He has also sent for a prospectus for a London one. I’m not sure how I would feel about him moving all the way to London, it’s not a city I particularly like the look of. But hey, he’s a grown up. In all honesty, I think the costs of living in The City are kind of putting him off. He has to have his application in by the middle of January, so he’s applying for his Young Person’s Railcard so he can attend his interviews. So we know he’s pretty confident anyway!

Last updated December 08, 2014

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