Prozac Nation in In the Nude

  • Nov. 21, 2014, 4:46 p.m.
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I’ve been seeing a therapist from work for over a month. 2 weeks ago she gave a number to a psychiatrist. She thinks I should look into getting on antidepressants and continue therapy with her.

I was on antidepressants twice; in 2000 I went on Wellbutrin for 6 weeks only to quit smoking. In 2012, i took lexapro because I had been losing my hair (it had been falling out for over 7 years). I felt this may be stress related so my logic was reduce the stress and maybe my hair would stop falling out. Took it for about a year and felt no different.

I saw the ‘shrink’ last Friday. Again, I had to go over all the trauma I had gone through for the past two years. She put me on Prozac. I really don’t know what to expect on this. Like, what does it feel like? What should I expect? I looked up all the info on this and there’s mixed review from ‘it’s a miracle’ to ‘it’s a nightmare’.

I hope it helps me. I need to feel like myself again. Sometimes I have moments that I do feel good and others not so much. I miss me and I hope this helps me sort my issues out.

Maya, my daughter, is turning 3 in two weeks. Hard to believe, but my little girl is growing up. This girl is my life and I don’t care what it takes, I will pull it together so that I can be a positive role model for her. She deserves it, she’s really is such a good kid when she’s not driving me crazy :)

Last updated November 23, 2014

ViscousNightshade November 21, 2014

I've been on 10mg prozac a day for a month. So far, I don't know if I've felt any differently. The results seem mild at best, but I think I'm less anxious in situations where there used to be anxiety. I feel like I'm getting more out of therapy than the medication.

I had a terrible migraine for two days when I started it, but it has since faded. I've thought about discussing with my psychiatrist possibly changing the dose, since 10 mg is kinda low I guess, but I'm concerned I might get migraines again.

Katie Kizzle November 21, 2014

I tried prozac when I was younger and had horrible panic attacks on it. I've tried several SSRI's but I don't think my body metabolizes them the way they should. My body is weird and I usually get the opposite reactions from things. Like with caffeine it makes me extremely tired to the point of having to take a nap and makes me nauseous as well. Same thing with sugar. Sucks. lol. Hope it helps you though!

Blue Skies Katie Kizzle ⋅ November 21, 2014

That was another side effect I read about it. It's been only a week I've been on it and the only difference I see is that my hearing seems to be very sensitive.

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