A Mystery To Be Revealed? in Everyday Ramblings
- Nov. 30, 2014, 11:20 a.m.
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So one of the things I have been a little concerned about during the adoption process with the boys is that now I have even more of an excuse to stay home and not interact with others. I took this picture a couple of Saturdays ago because I love this spot on the river and someday would like to sit there with someone I am sweet on.
A healthy living human male someone.
I walked by there again twice today. It was colder and darker and there were fewer leaves on the trees but still I thought the same thought.
The city has been building a new fire and rescue building right on the river near here and there has been this moveable detour, which is often an encampment for folks that choose, or have had the choice made for them, to live in the rough. My take on this particular group is that they are more drug abusers than anything else, just like the folks that camp out across the street on the grounds of my old gym.
The developmentally disabled and mentally ill folks all seemed to be in the mall where it was warm. I walked through there on my way to Weight Watchers.
Anyway I was thrilled to see the building finished and open and operational and the detour gone today. Small things make me happy. There is this gorgeous tree, a willow of some sort that I haven’t been able to get close to all this time and the view from there is lovely.
I am supposed to be reading The Magician King this evening but the cats are wild and I am restless. It is due back at the library on Monday and I don’t want to buy it. I’ll read as much as I can tomorrow.
Here is Carlo having a Yoda moment.
And the Diego man, himself, in a shot that at least shows off his beautiful “blue” coat. He is being very good about the eye. He does, however, think I am a cat. Which is an honor to be sure but I am not really interested in wrestling with him and rolling across the floor.
Now, the mysterious healthy human male mentioned above…
Sorry, I digress. I am trying not to panic about Christmas shopping and all I need to accomplish in the next three weeks or so.
My oldest sister is getting stronger and just finished knitting a very complicated sweater pattern this afternoon This is pretty amazing because this time last year we were all sure she was going blind. We didn’t know why but her eyes were swollen from the inflammation from the cancer attacking her system. Tomorrow she and Kes will go looking for just the right buttons and will block it.
I so admire their knitting skills and practical talents.
Ms. Impractical here instead, walks and reads and plays and think wistful hopeful thoughts with the camera in my hand.
You might notice Diego is sitting on a piece of string. He is inviting you to play. :)
Last updated November 30, 2014
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