late to the party, but how typical is that? in shiny things

  • Nov. 3, 2014, 2:04 p.m.
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Ummm, yeah. Haven’t made an entry in like.. TWO MONTHS. And I thought, OH! I’ll use NaNoWrMo (or whatever it is) as a prod to start writing again! Because I miss it! And I want to write more! And.. all that! Of course that’s really for novels and although yeah, I really really need to do that TOO, that would require a level of commitment I’m not prepared to give. Currently.

Still, I am going to, like, make an effort in November. Because November is dark and dreary and gloomy and full of ick, and perhaps getting back into JournalingWorld would help with that. On many levels. And if I’ll write daily it would cease to be such a daunting task. Because when I only write every two months I end up with far too much to say and am quickly overwhelmed, being me, and just give up before I even start.

And this is just a quick and abashed entry to say hi and say I will catch up with everyone one day and I do think of you all and am sad about being such a horrible PBer (almost said ODer– because, hahahhaha!! I was just like this there too!).

Here are some pictures of our First Snow. Yeah. It’s barely November and we’ve had a six inch snow. Woo-fucking-hoo. I am not ready for this and that’s another reason I better get back into writing so I will not totally lose my mind during what looks like a loooong evil winter. Judging by this quite early beginning. OH! And our furnace is not working!! Yippie!!! I don’t think it’s too serious and Baker B is calling to get it looked at tomorrow and we’ve got a space heater plus a kerosene one if things really get grim, but snow+cold+broken furnace+ordering kerosene two weeks ago and not getting it yet which may turn out okay since they are backed up due to the price of oil plummeting and everyone in town ordering it at once so maybe it will at least not be such an astronomical bill when we finall do get it + time change and early darkness + omg I do not love winter.... all equals serious madness. (Our furnace isn’t dead because we’re out of kerosene… we ARE out, but we are buying it five gallons at a time at the Wilco so that’s not the problem. Getting bits of stuff in the tank when we pour the five gallons in during the darkness may be the problem, though.)

Back to pictures. Of the lovely six inch snow (it was pretty, even I will admit that, but I’m already ready for spring now, okay winter? Thanks!!) and our walk around our neighborhood and into the campground down the road which still has the remains of their very politically incorrectly named Hillbilly Haunted Hoedown or something like that Halloween Trail Through The Woods. Which was especially weird during the day and post-blizzard. Well, post-heavy-very-early-snowfall.

Obligatory Snowy Deck Picture:

Snow on the cars. A LOT of snow on the cars.

Our street. It was heavy wet snow. And very pretty. YES, it was pretty.

The campground near us, and Baker B:

A Hillbilly Still!!!!

And a big bunch of ears in a jar!!! Fortunately no more real than the still is.

Skull in the creek!

Camper from afar. We wondered how pissed off the campers were, since this snow wasn’t all that well announced

.... not a real restaurant. Sign out in the middle of the woods on a Halloween Trail in a campground.

We can only assume this is where the scantily-dressed pig gets revenge. There was a barbecue grill. It was covered in snow but apparently was used to grill the bodies that were hanging up in a “shed” we walked through, that was honestly a little too gruesome to take a picture of. Then there was this adorable little dining area.

Oh hai!!

Hillbilly Horror Halloween during the day. And during the snowstorm. #hillbilly #halloween #snowstorm #hillbillyhorror #notverypoliticallycorrecthalloween

Deleted user November 03, 2014

Snow !!! Oh you poor woman !!! I hate Winter too. Great minds think alike , I thought November is a great time to get back into writing too. Hope you get your heater fixed !

ermentrude November 03, 2014

shudders at your photos - not the scariness, the cold! X

Lyn November 03, 2014

Do I know you/ ;)

We blamed our 12 flakes of snow on all the Frozen trick-or-treaters.

Stay warm.

Ulfric Stormcloak November 03, 2014

Snow already? That is crazy. I knew you guys got it and apparently New England did, too. I don't know how it missed us, but on the Jersey shore, we didn't even get rain.

noko November 07, 2014

Edna! Yes. It is a fact. Writing here will make your long horrid winter better. Even if it is over now. :) Love the snowed upon table cloths. Very cheerful in a sad melancholy wintery way...

jamez November 11, 2014

Now that is winter, here it is still quite mild yet, our weather is wet just now, very wet but it dose run a way; snow tends to hang about! I caught your winter images on Flickr.

Take care and try not to slide about, we are trying not to get stuck in the mud …..

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